Ancient Warrior & Long War Weapons

By SeitoHeiwa, in Black Crusade Rules Questions

Maybe my Players and I are totally blind, but we can´t find what "Long war Weapons".

You know, those which are easier to obtain with the talent "Ancient Warrior"

"Long War weaponry is also easier for him to obtain and all weapons with the word “Legion” in the title count as one Availability category easier than normal (i.e. Rare becomes Scarce, Scarce becomes Average, etc.)."
Not sure how you missed that part? :P

No we didn´t miss that.
But "and", as we understood it, implies that Legion Weapons and Weapons of the Long War are something different.

Replace the 'and' with a 'therefore' in your copy and you might feel a bit better.

Makes sense, thx.

This also applies to Legion armor.