Ordered Beginners Game

By Daalrak, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Beginner Game

Hi. I normally play WFRP 3 and when I saw that a new Star Wars RPG was coming out with the same style of custom dice I just knew it would be a hit.

I tried to play SW Saga edition but never got the hang of it. I have Scum and Villiany and a couple of other SAGA books too but anyway I’m straying from the point here.

I ordered the Beginners Game from Miniature Market but living in Malta (Europe) it will probably take some weeks to get here but I ll just have to be patient

Anyway, my question is obviously the Beginners Game rules do not include all the updates so if I add the 11 week update, will that be enough to play the game properly?

I know character creation isnt include but what would I have to update?

I didn’t get the Beta as I was really busy at the time and couldnt have given it my full attention.

Btw I preordered the Core Rule book too (separately)….when it comes it comes

autofire's the big one, and a trait or three. And weapon stats.

My experience with the Beginner's Game box is that it is completely playable "as-is." My group played it all the way through using the rules as written in the book, and we didn't have any issues. The only thing I would really recommend using the Week 11 errata for is if you had questions about a specific rule, or needed some sort of clarification.

As you said, character creation rules aren't included at all. All the box includes are the pre-generated characters (plus the ones you can download for free from the EotE Beginner Game Support Page ) so if you wanted to create your own characters, picking up a second-hand copy of the beta (the going price on Ebay is between $30-$50 USD) or waiting for the core rulebook to be released might be your only options.

If you are able to find a copy of the beta in the meantime, you can find character sheets for the beta here .

joecor said:

Also recommended is Gribble's reference sheet. It includes rules for character creation and it is up to date on errata and 11 week update.


Yeah, gribbles sheets are invaluable as a resource for the game and character creation. You get the character creation sheets, the talent trees, and the other reference sheets and you'll be good to go. Sure, you won't have all the deep material of the beta book, but you can always look it up on here or ask here if there's something you don't know or understand. But those sheets will do you.

Thank you all so very much for your help. It has been invaluable.

I have downloaded Gribbles reference sheets and the are supurb. I downloaded one of the additional pre-gen characters from the support page and going over Gribbles sheet, I have high hopes that I should be able to adjust the pre-gen character somewhat. That is until The core rules book arrives.

But till then I'm waiting for my Beginner Game to get here and I should have a fair idea of the rules with that plus 11 week update!

Thank you all once again. :-)

I just received the Beginner Game in the post. Now thats what I call speedy post! Well done Miniature Market :-)

And its my birthday tomorrow so nice timing I think!! hehe

I ll read through the tutorial first and maybe play it. Then move on to the actual rules.