NPC boxes

By sigmazero13, in Descent Quest Vault Open Beta

I think this may have been mentioned, but I think it would be nice to be able to easily add the stat boxes for NPCs. For instance, things like the Sir Palamon box in the "Castle Daerion" quest, Encounter 2.

Having the cool yellow boxes with the nifty side-borders would be ideal, although I think a similar effect can be possibly achieved with some of the markup features available (I haven't tried yet). However, part of the problem is that there is nothing to allow adding the dice icons, or the attack-type icon.

I would agree here. I've already found a need for 'villager' boxes and NPC hero token boxes. Having a few different stat boxes to choose from wouild be really nice.

1. Full stat box: for instance, an NPC stat box with a place to type in Characteristics (including defense dice icons), Attributes and dice icons for attacking.

2. Partial stat box: for instance, villager information to include Health, Speed and Defense.

3. Partial combat stat box: for instance, NPC combat information to include health, Speed, Defense and Attack dice.


4. Configurable stat box: this gives the option to include whatever parts of the above you need to include such as having villagers who need to use attributes.

One thing to remember is this is the beta. I'm definitely going to post whatever I find lacking or what might be a nice benefit in hopes that it will be addressed for the final release. I've seen many games completely change coming out of beta and I've seen many not change at all. We'll see.

- Saf