Need Help Balancing Plot Decks (All 6 Houses)

By Boundary, in 4. AGoT Deck Construction

First off, hello all! Not new to Fantasy Flight but I am new to the boards and could use your help and insight to help my gaming group with a problem we have been having.

I ended up building a set of 6 House decks (All 6 houses) out of 2 Core Sets as well as the KotSea and PotS expansions, so those are the only cards I have to work with here. My dilemna lies however in balancing each of the plot decks as well as incorporating plots from the expansions in the first 4 Houses as well as incorporating plots from the Core into House Greyjoy and House Martell.

So this is what I have so far, but so far it really feels like Greyjoy is lacking in income and the decks provided ( ) make it difficult for Greyjoy to keep above water (…no pun intended) insofar as being able to afford cards like Euron on any time other than Setup.

Plot decks as of 2/12/13:

1x Herding the Masses (Core)
1x The Power of Arms (Core)
1x Counting Favors (Core)
1x Noose and Swordpoint (Core)
1x Battle of Oxcross (PotS)
1x Rains of Autumn (Core)
1x After the Mummer's Ford (KotS)

1x Wildfire Assault (Core)
1x Blockade (Core)
1x Drunken Allegations (Core)
1x The Breaking of Oaths (KotS)
1x Uneasy Truce (Core)
1x Hear Me Roar (Core)
1x The Promise of Victory (KotS)

1x Building Season (Core)
1x Mad King's Legacy (Core)
1x Counting Favors (Core)
1x Rule by Decree (Core)
1x Wildfire Assault (Core)
1x After the Mummer's Ford (KotS)
1x Rains of Autumn (Core)

1x Uneasy Truce (Core)
1x Valar Morghulis (Core)
1x Mutual Enemies (Core)
1x The Power of Blood (Core)
1x Summoning Season (Core)
1x An Empty Throne (KotS)
1x Tourney for the Hand (Core)

1x Building Season (Core)
1x Rise of the Kraken (KotS)
1x The Power of Arms (Core)
1x An Empty Throne (KotS)
1x Siege of Riverrun (KotS)
1x Holding the Trident (Core)
1x Valar Morghulis (Core)

1x Let My Porridge Fly (PotS)
1x To The Spears! (PotS)
1x Battle of Oxcross (PotS)
1x Noose and Swordpoint (Core)
1x Summoning Season (Core)
1x Blockade (Core)
1x The Breaking of Oaths (KotS)