I have not seen any good use of ewok pod so far…
Can someone point a good deck with a ewok part, or is it there just for flavour… The main thing in that pod seems to be the Enhansement discard or character denial.
I have not seen any good use of ewok pod so far…
Can someone point a good deck with a ewok part, or is it there just for flavour… The main thing in that pod seems to be the Enhansement discard or character denial.
I currently run the ewok pod in all my LS decks, a few combos i have found that are useful are: Home 1 + ewok, Akbar + Ewok, Yoda + Ewok, Wookie Navigator + Ewok.
i currently only play in a small group yet everytime i play the ewok the DS are always trying to kill it, and if i have tribal support objective in play i now gain some small constant control on the bourd becouse they are going to either use the force choke or vaders ability to kill him. If you also have 2 copys of sectret of yavin 4 in your deck they can be used to protect your little ewok.
yub yub is also a really good card but log trap is so much better, 2 log traps and 2 heavy gun enplacements in play and your laughing.
I like Ewok Scout and Han. You can use Hans ability and targeted strike to hit the unit you forced your opponent to keep at home. Worked great in a game I played to destroy my opponents Devastator.
Majeh_XIII said:
yub yub is also a really good card but log trap is so much better, 2 log traps and 2 heavy gun enplacements in play and your laughing.
How do you get 2 Log Traps in play, since the objective set is limited to one per deck?
ziggy2000 said:
How do you get 2 Log Traps in play, since the objective set is limited to one per deck ?
That's really the main reason I rarely run this set. Too many of the cards want you to play Ewoks, but you can only have 2 Ewoks total in your deck. Log Trap is sweet though, and the Ewoks themselves are nothing to laugh at.
that was a typo on my part, that i failed to notice on the "2 log traps". however a log trap and 2 blasters are a very powerful force and have won me a game when together
I play tribal support in my rebel control deck. The ewoks are all control, so they fit in perfectly.