Train Models

By mgentile7, in Dust Tactics

Does anyone have any idea where to get 1/48 scale or O scale germain train models? I notice one in Dust Chronicles Issue 1. has it here .

Thank you both. I have had my eye on the small one on ebay but it was the scalehobbiest one I was looking for. Ill post pics once I get it built and painted.

Glad you found it m7gentile, all I did was slap on some extra guns. the flat bed was an O scale car with a 1/48 quad 2cm gun slapped on. Wait till you see what Dust will be bringing you!

Here's a slightly better view. Too lazy to dig it out and photog it right now.


theguildllc said:

Here's a slightly better view. Too lazy to dig it out and photog it right now.


Thanks for the pic. I got one ordered. Ill probably do the same with a flat car as well.

Just got the model. Its a great piece. Need to get a few others soon to put together a decent train for my city board.

Thanks to all again for the info and pics !