Best LS/DSDeck with only 1 Set

By Henryhiggins, in Star Wars: The Card Game - Strategy

This was posted in the general forum but I feel it should be posted here as well. The best way to describe the qestuion is below:

"what is the best light side, and best dark side deck that we could put together with the restriction that each objective were limit one (Almost like a singleton magic format - except with pods)"

. I feel my light side deck is fumbling some and cant seem to find a way to buff it. currently, I have

1: A Hero's Journey

3: Forgotten Heroes

6: Last Minute Rescue

8: The Defense of Yavin 4

9: Mission briefing

10: Fleeing the Empire

11: The Rebel Fleet

12: Draw Their Fire

15: Questionable Contacts

18: Hit and Run

Sometimes change 15: Questionable Contacts to 13' Mobilize the Squadrons or 4: Journey to Degobah depending on what i want my affiliation to be. I've mostly stuck with 15: Questioable Contacts. Does anyone have any suggestions on what I should add/lose?

While I agree it should have been posted here in the first place I don't think we need the same thread twice.

I think playing Questionable Contacts is incredibly iffy without Smugglers and Spies for your affiliation to ensure you can consistently play cards from that objective set. WIth that in mind, I would focus primarily on the Jedi affiliation because of the consistency and power they offer. I'd run every objective set except A Journey to Dagobah with some Rebel and possibly neutral objectives and Rebel as my affiliation. This would give you access to most of the best units in the game and more reliability with regards to resource matches.