Give Glory to the Prince of Pleasure!

By 51powerski, in Black Crusade

Got Enemies of the Imperium in the UK before Tome of Excess.

ffg wat r u doin

Why would they comment?

so people can know why the book they want to buy isn't available.

Why would they comment?

so people can know why the book they want to buy isn't available.

It's entirely possiable that the reasons for delays are something they know nothing about

Or are totally unrelated to anything FFG can or has done, or is something out of their hands.


Or are totally unrelated to anything FFG can or has done, or is something out of their hands.



that would prevent them from simply explaining would it?

i don't think so.

It's funny how this thread has been marked as hot, it's really become just a waste of space (discounting the jokes that almost rescued it......almost)

what a selfish bunch of pricks you are.

Instead of hijacking a forum and complaining endlessly about how unfair it is on your little old self and then abusing anyone who doesn't agree with you why don't write to FFG for an answer and then start your own thread with their response?

That way anyone interested can read and respond.

Just putting it out there.....