As registration for the convention is not yet open, please post your expressions of interest in this thread, or by emailing
, and the tournament organizer will alert you when you are able to formally register.
Dust Warfare Tournament (300 points)
We are proud to present Eastern SMERSH: a Dust Warfare tournament, at Conquest 2013!
4 rounds will be played on Easter Saturday, March 30th at Melbourne High School beginning at 9am, concluding by 7pm.
Army lists of no more than 300 points, using any source books released up until two weeks before the date of the event may be used. Games will follow the current Fantasy Flight Games Dust Warfare tournament rules, available from the following location
Players must submit army lists to the T.O no later than 23rd March 2013 by emailing
Players are expected to present an army list to their opponents on the day, a template for which can be found below.
Trophies will be awarded for best general and best painting, with further prize support to be announced. Tickets cost $30, payment and registration information is available at the Conquest website,
Terrain provided by
[VIC, Aus] Dust Warfare Tournament 'Eastern SMERSH', Easter Saturday
Registrations are now open! Please visit, register yourself with AON, click on the conquest page, and sign yourself up under entry's for the three sessions on saturday (morning, noon and evening)
I'm on the wrong side of the country