
By Bigjim22, in 4. AGoT Deck Construction

Could someone give me some clarification on some of the terminology used when describing deck builds and or card effects.



claim soak



Burn simply means to burn through all their cards, usually killing their characters with attachments/events/abilities

Rush simply means to gain a lot of power really quickly, like turn 1-3 wins etc.

Claim soak, i'd assume means to soak up their claim so their not getting power?

A maester Amon and viserys and belwos is an example of claim soak. You could do triple claim military every round and you get nothing except renown and any trigggers off winning a challenge. Aemon kneels, Belwos gets weaker and viserys bounces back next round. Or Greyjoys have so many saves and cancels.

There's a couple different rushes. Baratheon get a bunch of renown characters out quick and do multiple power challenges and it's over in couple rounds. Starks can do this with Siege of Winterfell agenda and bunch of epics. Daenarys and her dragons. Or someone like greyjoy that are biding their time. Not a percieved threat, then bam they play Rise of the Kraken plot, Assault of the Kraken event and another event Assertion of might and they just colllected 15 power and it's over and no one seen it coming. A delayed Rush.

Choke deck- Starve your opponents locatons and resources. Usually winter theme (Greyjoy)

Mill deck- Eliminate your players deck and eliminate options (Greyjoy)

Control- Kneel characters and locations, eliminate icons and attachments, attack opponents hand and draw, return characters to their hand, remove players from challenges ( Martell, Lannisters, Maesters)

and Aggro- Swarm and overwhelm your opponent with low cost characters. Your opponent can't kill them fast enough and there's too many characters to control.

snaggrriss said:

Control- Kneel characters and locations, eliminate icons and attachments, attack opponents hand and draw, return characters to their hand, remove players from challenges ( Martell, Lannisters, Maesters)

and Aggro- Swarm and overwhelm your opponent with low cost characters. Your opponent can't kill them fast enough and there's too many characters to control.

There are different ways of being aggressive, certainly, but most AGoT players I know associate "aggro" with "aggressive control" rather than "aggressive Marshalling of characters."

The definition of "Aggro" here is more often called a "weenie rush" deck (as opposed to the "power rush" deck described) in AGoT traditions.

what's a weenie?

Robby Stark said:

what's a weenie?