Opposed Focus Power Test

By TechVoid, in Black Crusade Rules Questions


in the Core Rules are written, that if an enemy is also a psyker, the can choose the Power Level (Fettered, Unfettered, Pushed) to use for the opposed Focus Power Test.

Does that include the risks for Psychic Pheonomena? If the enemy Psyker chooses to use the Pushed Power Level to make sure he succeeds in the contents, he might win and thus be not affected by the Psychic Attack … but afterwards he has to roll on the Psychic Phenomena Table since he uses the Pwer Level 'Pushed' ?


-- TechVoid.

The benefit of being a psyker means you may choose to add 5xPR on an opposed focus power test as long as it's Willpower. You choose a power of strength (fettered to pushed) and it's like any other focus power test with the added risk of phenomena if rolling doubles or pushing.

In most cases that means there's no risk in fettering, which lets you add 5xPR/2 to the opposed test. Some Exalted powers and other things may make focus power tests impossible or that they trigger automatic phenomena, but in general there's no reason not to fetter the opposed Willpower test.

It's an obscure rule hidden in the last paragraph of the Focus Power Test section, so there's actually not that many who knows about it I've noticed.

As an added thought I think the opposed test may trigger a reaction due to Psychic Hood if someone wants to impose penalties on the opposed focus power test (which it now is if you choose to add your PRx5 to the test).