Running a game online (technical aspect question)

By tgoVIPER, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

Greetings, & thanks in advance for any assistance!

So I'm working on getting an online game going using Roll20 in conjunction with Google Hangouts.

In short, I'm trying to find a way to play sounds from my computer (blasters, wookiee roars etc) so that the players can hear it. We're all using headphones of some sort, most are using the mic from their webcam (I've got a bluetooth headset).

Obviously I can listen to the players through the headset and play sounds through the computer speakers, to be picked up by the mic, but I'm looking for a more elegant solution in our more civilized age.

estrella Salud! estrella

One possible cheat is that if you've got those sound clips as audio files and have a smartphone, is load said clips to your smartphone and then play them with the smartphone's speakers as close to your mic as possible.

I've got a Star Wars soundboard app that I purchased a few years ago, and I've used that (as well as a couple brief audio clips) during Skype games I've been in, though granted my usage was more for comedy, such as playing the Star Wars Cantina (as done to the tune of Copa Cabana) or George Takai's "Oh My!" But myself and a couple friends did record a bumper for the O66 podcast (wonder what happened to it?) where I used the afore-mentioned soundboard app to provide the sound of Vader's breathing.

Again, not a perfect solution, but something to keep in mind in case the perfect solution requires not-so-inexpensive software or hardware.

Roll20 has that ability. It has a jukebox. That you can load sound files into.

Thanks for the ideas so far.


How do you do that? I know you can drag photos onto the board that then go into your library, but on the jukebox, the only thing I've been able to do is try and upload sounds to Soundcloud. Sometimes they get rejected, though, based on copyright content. Can you drag sounds like you can images?

One thing I was in particular going for, was using an online soundboard from the computer for easy access with a dual monitor setup.

I am more curious with how are you handling the Dice situation. The conversion from standard dice is horrible and combersome.

Someone over at created a macro die roller for EotE. It works quite well.

Yes, Rob aka Shuntzy created a Maptool framework for SW:EotE. You can find it over at our WFRP3 online group (many of us there are slowly moving toward playing EotE online as well): Wfrp v3 & Star Wars Maptools campaign files

You'll need to register to the group though before to be able to access the thread.



Must be a member… groan.

During beta there was a guy who know a lot about MapTools and we were discussing it. Wonder if this is his.

I would really love to get in an online game of Star Wars: EofE. Does anyone know a good place to find a game?

Try either or Obsidian Portal. Obsidian Portal will show you the games in your area and then jump you over to penandpapergames to get in touch with the people. Pnpgames has a player registry so GMs can search for players as well as a dedicated forum to campaigns that are LFP.