UK Based Internal Card Storage Solution, taking pre-orders / reservations

By hildan, in Call of Cthulhu LCG


I will soon have some internal storage inserts for a variety of card games for sale, at the moment I am accepting reservations / pre-orders (no money involved yet.) As these cases are designed to fit into existing cardboard boxes they are ideal for large collections of cards.

I will be posting the exact specifications this weekend, however some of the types of games which this may be suitable for are as follows (IT WILL BE YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO CONFIRM IT CAN FIT WITHIN YOUR GAME BOX ND ACCOMIDATE THE CARDS / SLEEVES YOU HAVE USED ONCE THE FINAL SPECIFICATRIONS IS MADE AVAIILABLE>)

Lord of the Rings: LCC
Android: Netrunner
Warhammer Invasions
Star Wars: LCG
Call of Cthulu: LCG
Game of Thrones: LCG

Pre-orders and reservations can be made here -
