Names of Starships

By Salcor, in Rogue Trader

The dynasty flagship is called the Stacked Deck .

At least they're honest about it.

Here's the fleet that my players have gathered:

Lord Umber, a newly commisioned Armageddon class battlecruiser, current flagship

Praetor of Laconia, Dauntless class light cruiser, starting flagship

Shield of Fate, Devastation class cruiser, recently refitted, still undergoing trials

The Imperturbable, Secutor class light cruiser

Spirit of Voss, Falchion class frigatte

Vulpus Argentum, Sword class frigatte

Night Owl, Sparrow class escortcarrier

Intrepid, Lucas Vincere & Scion of Tharis, Cobra class destroyers

Aquila Oculus, Viper class scout sloop

Incitatio, Orion class starclipper

Bounty of Dross & Crumentilla, Jericho class traders

Flavia Minor & Dawn of Prosperity, Vagabond class traders.

I particularly like the Crumentilla, the second ship they aquired (after the Praetor of Laconia with which they started). The name means: litle money pouch.

Our group has:

Anastasia , Firestorm-class Frigate

The Wrathchilde, Dictator-class Cruiser

Iron Lord, Hazeroth-class Raider

In Purgatio Lumen - Dauntless Light Cruiser (Flagship)

In Obscurum Veritas - Mechanicus Vigil Cruiser

The Emperor's Bounty - Star Galleon Cruiser

Vagaries of the Warp - Havoc Merchant Raider

The Wise Capitulation - Havoc Merchant Raider

Abs Innocentina - Jericho Pilgrim Transport

Under Wry Beginnings - Orion Star Clipper

Really enjoyed reading this thread. Unfortunately my party decided to name their Lunar Cruiser after themselves (Players not Characters). Thus they ply the expanse in the DAVOWILLTOSH (From DAVe, damO, WILL, Triston & jOSH - Oddly managing to ignore the other member of the group though).

As for other ship in our Campaign names I've used:

BountiFEL (A Trader of the Fel Dynasty)

Badwolf (Wolfpack Raider)

Silent Star (Dictator)

Spirit of St Lucy (Tempest)

Valour's Might (Claymore)

Iron Duke (Claymore)

Stargazer (Hezeroth)

Storms Wrath (Hezeroth)

Impiritor Illuminatis (Dauntless)

Papillion (Modified Jericho) [butterfly]

Wrath of Purity (Ambition)

Livingstones Quest (Subjugator, an ancient class similar to the Tyrant)

Light of Ascension (Havoc)

Relentless Pursuit (Carrack)

St Thomas (Loki)

Volkslaufer (Vagabond re-purposed as a blockade runner) [Peoples Runner]

Apologies I know a couple of these appear elsewhere in this thread.

Edited by Generaljimbo

My (exploration minded, Xenos-friendly) Rogue Trader named his cruiser the Event Horizon.

Let's See, we currently have

1st campaign:

Albatross (as per the bird, Shrike Class)

Audacious (Dauntless, formely the Sevilla)

Golden Ass (as in "golden donkey", gilded hull transport, reference to the book the Golden Ass)

2nd campaign:

Profit's Demand (or possibly Profits Demand(ed), Cruiser)

Taxes (Raider)

Banshee's Wail (Raider)

My first RT game ever, campaign didn't even start yet, but should soon. Rolled a 1 on the starting ship table, so only had 30 SP (but 60 starting profit!).

We got a Vagabond-class merchant trader, her name is Quaesitor Aeternam (Eternal Seeker)

My (exploration minded, Xenos-friendly) Rogue Trader named his cruiser the Event Horizon.

Isn't that just ASKING for a warp incursion?

Begging for it, I think.

Some more from my current campaign-

In addition to the Tactus Quod Vado (no longer owned by the Navy or the Inquisition, but outright owned by the pirates that make up my players "dynasty". It's actually the only ship they legally own, as well...); there's the HDMS Resolute (a grand cruiser the Imperial Navy still has listed as "Overdue, presumed delayed in transit", despite going missing en route to the Angevin Crusade. The players found her all Marie Celeste and don't want to give her back); the Clarion's Call (a pilgrim transport, currently parked outside Footfall with no atmosphere and the quarantine lights flashing. Just their luck to hijack a ship carrying a genestealer cult. They did recoup some profit on the deal though- all the members of the cult that could pass as human wound up sold into slavery); and the various ships from the Lure of the Expanse adventures

My (exploration minded, Xenos-friendly) Rogue Trader named his cruiser the Event Horizon.

Isn't that just ASKING for a warp incursion?

Heh. My GM isn't familiar with the reference. Plus, there actually IS a daemon on the ship (giant, headless horror holding 3 screaming heads in one hand and a giant cleaver in the other) haunting my ship I'm trying to track down and get rid of...

A friend of mine was always partial to The Lusty Compass as a ship name.

Choice ones from my own list:

Imperial Vessels:

Benevolent Indifference

Casual Annihilation

The Burden of Choice

The Fire of His Vengeance

The First Stone

The Last Argument of Kings

The Latin Proverb

Chaos Vessels:

The Cardinal Sin

The Courage to Question

The Eightfold Road

The Festival of Carnage

The Gift of Life (Nurgle ship, naturally)

Eldar ships:

The Angel Feather Arrow

The Ageless Eidolon

The Frank Appraisal

Dark Eldar Ships

The Archon's Envy

The Orphan Grinder

For story purposes, I confess I've had trouble with ship names in the past. 40k doesn't usually use "silly" names, no offense to some of the prior pages, and coming up with awesome, majestic names that won't offend the resident AdMech, the child of whose God you are flying around in, that haven't already been taken is a pain, for me. Eldar and Chaos are easier, and I don't give Orks any credit/attention ever if I can help it, but Imperial vessels, especially the bigger, more important ones, are tricky. That said, I have had a few modicums of success:

The Hammerfall: This is the original ship that RT Edric Korvallus, lord of his Dynasty, and master of the Silver Ravens mercenary company/fleet brought with him to the Expanse, when he was elevated from his position in Battlefleet Solar. She's a Dictator-class Cruiser on mostly-permanent station above Valos III, a seemingly unimportant agri-world Korvallus, in his elder state, had himself appointed Planetary Governor of, while his younger lieutenants continue to make his Dynasty grow and prosper. It's even made a trip into the Reach; it didn't end well, but did get back.

The Silver Raven: This is the original ship of the Warrant of Trade that empowers Korvallus. It and the Warrant, signed by the Emperor Himself, were presented to the first bearer prior to the Horus Heresy. It is a Conquerer-class Star Galleon. It spent several millennia out of service, while Korvallus's Warrant stood without a Bearer. When they acted to grant him a Warrant, his blood came back as already on one, and he was invested with the ancient Warrant in honor of his great service to Battlefleet Solar. He favored the Hammerfall, though, so the Silver Raven continued to sit. When Korvallus returned from the Reach, and the Hammerfall was crapped, he spent the 3 years it was getting fixed sailing the Raven. When the Hammerfall was back to working, the Silver Raven "disappeared", and hasn't been seen since. It's hidden, carrying some nifty treasure, ready if needed.

The Passage of Judgment: This is the ship of my RT story I am writing. It is a carrier-vessel Cruiser (haven't picked a class yet), and home of Arin Trenn and Asteira Volaris. Another ship of the Korvallus Dynasty, it hasn't seen too much action, but that could change.

The Emperor's Deliverance: This is my prize-ship, if i ever run a game of RT. Near the end of a big campaign, the crew might find it, and if they can take and keep it, it would be an awesome reward. Anyone who has read about the various "keep the Light of Terra" converses will know what this is; my take on that. The Deliverance is an Oberon-class Battleship from the 38th Millennium, and while powerful, it might not seem anything special. Of course, I being a cheese hat, it has more than meets the eye. At some point during its history, a rogue element of the AdMech constructed, in secret, a prototype weapon, very loosely based on technology gleaned from the Blackstone Fortresses. Their attempt at a warp cannon obviously was unsuccessful, but the product, a "psi-lance", was still nothing to scoff at. Combining the might of a choir of battle-psykers, they could loose a beam comparable to, but stronger than that of the Ork's Wurldbreaka, and it would've been awesome. Of course, things went pear-shaped, as they do, and the ship was ambushed by Chaos. They fended off much of the enemy, the psi-lance ripping ships apart, but then a psyker made a daemon, and everything went to hell. There was more battle, Chaos vessels ramming for boarding actions, and all. The Captain kept things working, routed the enemies, and attempted to make for the port he had just left, but the ship, disappearing into the Warp, never came back. Eventually, millennia later, it fell out of the Warp, and into an asteroid field. This further damaged the hull, and is how the crew of a ship might find it. Still a daemonhost to deal with, locked in a room for two millennia, and its beat to hell, and carrying what might be a heretek device. If they can keep it from Orks, pirates, and Chaos, and maybe fix it, though, it would make them amongst the most powerful Rogue Traders anywhere.

I think that's the extent of my ships; three "regular" craft, like players might use, if they were rich at the start, and one plot hook.

There is an archeotech dreadnaught-class starship in my universe named the Iron Maiden :)

Venkelos if you want a really nasty plot twist you can always have your guys find a ship that simply goes by the name BETA.

I used a few ships in my Dark Heresy campaign, keeping it simple; a crashed cruiser within a Space hulk was named "Pride of Terra".

Another, an Orion Star-Clipper of Rogue Trader descent (down a notch to free chartist captain after the RT died, but well used by the Inquisition to carry precious cargo or cells around the sector) was named "Eternal Sunset"

As for Rogue Trader proper, the first game I played the player named the ship "Jim" because he was an unoriginal boob.

Second game, I was the RT with an "Ancient and Wise" and "Emissary of the Imperator" Mars Cruiser , so I went full blast and called it "Imperialis Dominatus" , or Imperial domination...With a ship like that and a RT named Fortunus Gant, it's not like I had a choice...

Emperator Coruscant - Firestorm-class Frigate (Ancient and Wise, Reliquary of Mars)

Altair - Sword-class Frigate (Stoic, Xenophilous)

Immortal Fury (or Valentina for the intimates) - Avenger-class Grand Cruiser (Wrothful, Veteran of the Angevin Crusade)

Because my old RT group deserves the callout:

"The Dagger in the Tempest" a Cobra class destroyer

My ever so wise Lord Captain Marianna Pelonius Dollabella, known to her allies and enemies alike as The Nemesis, helmed a masterful cruiser as her flagship. Vae Victus , Suffering to the Conquered.

Truer words were never spoken.

I am just a humble servant, a warlord from Valos Krin, petty and godless, before my Lady Captain raised me up from that hellish ashen deathworld to my current rank of Arch Militant.

My duties were many, but I performed that work gladly, suffering both venom and praise when it was gifted, and gladly taking both.

In time, we became the scourge of the xenos, the heretic, and the daemon, and even those that paid homage to my great Lady Captain Helcaste, be it in priceless art, arcane technologies, ransomed gold, or simple lip service, did so with great trepidation.

We visited hell upon the warp xenos of Cyrell IV, and purged them even to their pupae. We scoured the Orks of Kalliban, shattering their moon sized fortresses and destroying their crude, clumsy fleet after I took their dread Kaptin's head as my own personal trophy. We slaughtered the heretek pirate scum of the Sykes system and took their leaders, all renegade explorators, as prisoner, shattering their power and taking their technologies for our own, turning them upon their allies.

In time, others would rise up through the ranks of Lady Helcaste's vessel and captain their own ships in her ever growing fleet. Such a fate was not for me. I would stay by my master's side, the loyal warhound that I am, for over a century, privvy to the secrets of her ship's council. And the time would come where even my opinon, that of a lowborn savage, would be valued. As would my friendship.

Current RT group named their starting Raider "Dying Light of Kron" (House von Kron) - it's a house on the decline, so I actually kind of like this.

Past starship names I've used/liked:

Ebon Shroud (Frigate)

Hungering Maw (Light Cruiser)

Shadebringer (Frigate)

Eternity of Carnage (Battlecruiser)

The Emperor's Gleaming Sword (Cruiser)

Vengeance of Prophecy (Cruiser)

Shield-Bearer (Light Cruiser)

Mailed Fist of the Emperor (Battlecruiser)

Storm Crow (Raider)

The Screaming Pilum (Frigate)

Laughing Skull of the Nearly-Dead (Light Cruiser - Huge Skull on the front of the ship)

Current RT group named their starting Raider "Dying Light of Kron" (House von Kron) - it's a house on the decline, so I actually kind of like this.

Past starship names I've used/liked:

Ebon Shroud (Frigate)

Hungering Maw (Light Cruiser)

Shadebringer (Frigate)

Eternity of Carnage (Battlecruiser)

The Emperor's Gleaming Sword (Cruiser)

Vengeance of Prophecy (Cruiser)

Shield-Bearer (Light Cruiser)

Mailed Fist of the Emperor (Battlecruiser)

Storm Crow (Raider)

The Screaming Pilum (Frigate)

Laughing Skull of the Nearly-Dead (Light Cruiser - Huge Skull on the front of the ship)

Eternity of Carnage (Battlecruiser) - Khorne ship? lol

Storm Crow (Raider) - Tzeench!

The Screaming Pilum (Frigate) - Slaneesh!

Laughing Skull of the Nearly-Dead - Nurgle!

**** heretics, hiding everywhere under our noses!

Current RT group named their starting Raider "Dying Light of Kron" (House von Kron) - it's a house on the decline, so I actually kind of like this.

Past starship names I've used/liked:

Ebon Shroud (Frigate)

Hungering Maw (Light Cruiser)

Shadebringer (Frigate)

Eternity of Carnage (Battlecruiser)

The Emperor's Gleaming Sword (Cruiser)

Vengeance of Prophecy (Cruiser)

Shield-Bearer (Light Cruiser)

Mailed Fist of the Emperor (Battlecruiser)

Storm Crow (Raider)

The Screaming Pilum (Frigate)

Laughing Skull of the Nearly-Dead (Light Cruiser - Huge Skull on the front of the ship)

Eternity of Carnage (Battlecruiser) - Khorne ship? lol

Storm Crow (Raider) - Tzeench!

The Screaming Pilum (Frigate) - Slaneesh!

Laughing Skull of the Nearly-Dead - Nurgle!

**** heretics, hiding everywhere under our noses!


Eternity of Carnage and Laughing Skull were both owned by the same RT in the same campaign. And, yes, they were super heretical.