Names of Starships

By Salcor, in Rogue Trader

TheDarkeldar said:

To show that someone more than Terminus Est has read the Books of the New Sun, my RT captains

The Flower of Avern

I like the idea of dueling with plants, and I have as part of the family history that they cultivate them. Would fighting with Averns be covered by primitive melee weapon (universal) skill or would I need specialized training. Can I get training free, as it is part of my RT's family history?

I LOVE the books of the New Sun. Great ship name.

The Hidden Agenda

- a ship for the blatantly shady

Caveat Emptor ( buyer beware-the Creed dynasty are well known for their grim sense of humour)

A few more ideas for particularly avaricous RTs:

The Eye of the Needle

Thrones' Servant

Tithe Evader

Favoured by Fortune

Some of the ones I often use have already been mentioned but here goes.






Victoria Victrix

Inviolable Retributin

Dawn Treder

Thunder child (only because of the War of the Worlds referrence)



Lord Estrum


I'm sure I could come up with more but most of mine come from other places.

My crew has christened their starship Our Father's Mercy in honor of the head of their Dynasty who is taking a big risk entrusting it to them.

One that sprang to mind during a conversation with a friend the other day:

Temple of Annihilation

6 pages of names and still no Memento Mori ? Cause it's always good to warn the opponent !

The "Permaneo Spes" or, the Last Hope.

Edith The Hutt said:

Tithe Evader


A deceptively fragile looking ship once you get down into its underlying superstructure does it show its ancient origins:

Semper Ubi Sub Ubi

A nod to my fellow Traveller grognards,


and for my campaign,

The Golden Grox

The campaign I'm about to start; our ship is going to be called the Estruans Interius because I'm a giant fanboy.

Sun Shadow

Hidden Mirror

Sun Shard

I am a big fan of the "ominous latin name" school. Preferrably badly translated. The last time I was part of naming a ship it was dubbed Fasces Magna, wich roughly translates to Big Stick. With extra points for Fasces also meaning the sticks that ancient greek policemen carried in bundles around their axes to show that they were upkeeping law and order, and have as such given name to the political idea of fascism. So a big stick to point at the heretics that disturb the imperial law and order.

My dear Explorers have named their ship "Wanderlust" ^^

I have a very useful book called "Conway's All the Worlds Fighting Ships 1922-1946" and I've taken a lot of names from there.

Ship names from there:

-Donostia (an old armed transport used by a pro-imperial faction during a civil war)

-Bizkaya (a system mining vessel converted into a moniter used by the same group as above)

-Guipozcoa (a system fast transport converted into a light raider by the same group)

-Miguel De Cervantes (a system cruiser for the other side)

-Escano (a light raider for the other side)

-Zacatecass (a gunboat for the other side (used heavy raider as hull base but cut down the speed and gave it an extra dorsal)

-Triton (an imperial navy Proteus class frigate)

-Glavkos (an imperial navy Proteus class frigate)

-Raqib (system defense boat, basically light raider with less speed)

-Palang (system defense boat as above)

-Yat Sen (system gunboat)

-Admiral Voroshilov (an imperial navy cruiser)

-Koln (Imperial navy light cruiser)

-Kongo (imperial navy battlecruiser)

-Tally Ho (merchant registry transport)

-Bathurst (merchant registry armed transport)

-Sir Kay (round table class free transport)

-Prodigal son (chartist vessel)

-Misoa (imperial navy landing ship)

-Ulster Queen (imperial navy landing command ship)

-Boxer (imperial navy landing ship)

-Penzance (Imperial navy sloop)

-Athene (Imperial navy aircraft transport)

-Adamant (imperial navy depo ship)

Names from other sources

-Serial Peacemaker

-Plaited Daisies


-Camden Lock

My players command the Sword class frigate, "Xerxes"

My players named their Ship "Scarlet Sara" also name nicked name "Old Sara" among the crew or, praying to her when trying to make it out of ship to shipt combat, since they rolled Ancient and Wise.

The most venerable Murder-class cruiser Doomstrider plies the void of the Expanse... well as being a model sitting on my desk to help track ship movement in combat.

The ships that currently make up the RT fleet in my groups game are

My Sword class frigate kursk

An experimental vessel the LionHeart

a havok class raider Reliant

and a dauntless LT crusier The Red Letter currently under reconstruction

<3 <3 <# Severian is my hero and is consequently the name of my RT even though he is not the same. That was a clever name for a ship... Flower of Avern. Gene Wolfe is such a good authour.

as long as my gm doesnt have a terrible fate befall it i will be christening a newly acquired soul cage(to be cleansed n such) 'Phoenix born'

  • I've always been partial to O bsidian Dawn , also the legacy weapon name generator in tome of blood is quite fun for this, last 3 names I got where