Hi Guys,
I'm just playing the first "Purge the Unclean"-Adventure called "Rejoice for you are true". We came up at Theodosia's chasing scene and realized that none of us understands the chasing rules.
The part in the adventure books says (p. 26):
"Catching Theodosia consists of making a series of Opposed Agility Tests between the Acolytes and the fleeing assasin. Theodosia's augmentations effectively allow him to take two Full Actions each Round. He may make a Full Move Action (he would be running if it was not for the dense crowds in the Hustle) while continuing to take raned Attack Actions with his guns. Theodosia has an Agility Bonus of 5, since he uses a Full Move Action each Round, he consistently moves 10 metres. Acolytes chasing after Theodosia will have to decide at what Speed they'll follow him. Remember that characters who Run or Charge take their Agility Test at -20 penalty due to the dense crowd of people filling the Hustle. On the first Round, he starts ten metres away from the PCs. If he ever manages to get thirty metres or more away from the nearest Acolyte in the teeming Hustle, he succeeds in losing the party."
Okay, i think, at some point in the rules I saw something about chasing, but I can't find it anymore. So we were absolutly not clear about what to do.
- As we understand, player options are running at half speed requiring an -20 agility test per round to not fall or making a full move without a test
- Opposed Agility Tests - for what? Is the -20 penalty for them? What do they do?
- What happens if they manage to get in range of him? Later text says he throws away his case, but only if they get too near - is there away to actually stop Theodosia?
Last question came up explicitly because there is a hive-world PC in the group which easily could run to him with 24m/s without a single agility test. There must be something that I didn't see since this text absolutly doesn't tell anything about what to do and theres no reference. Idea?