MoM: Call of the Wild

By Embery, in Mansions of Madness

So, my dear friends! How are you all in this wonderfull time of year? Good!

But now let's get to the bussiness.

So i will get my copy of MoM: CotW this wednesday or this friday. It depends when my game store will get it.

So i was wondering, while i cant go all girly on this topic, i tought someone else could introduce us with MoM: CotW.

I'm almost crying over here it will get to my country in a week or two, but is there anyone here that has tried it now, and if so how did you like it?

I playtested it. It was very, very fun.

I'll talk a bit about the investigator-less Scenario 5: the plot is that the sun is going down and the investigators have to survive the night. When my wife and I played, Hurricane Sandy had just swept through and our power was out! We used an LED lantern and turned it dimmer and dimmer as the turns wore on. The effect was awesome.

Anyway, we were playing the bonus map (Scenario 5 has two different maps you can use), and I had found the key to the cave. I concluded that we could take shelter for the number of turns that remained, and the monsters would be unable to catch up to us before we won.

Scenario 5 has Mania cards. These cards are drawn whenever an investigator goes insane, or during other random events. A Mania card dictates a new restriction on the way the investigator can win the scenario (instead of merely "survive until the last turn," for example, a card could say, "you must be in an indoor space," or, "you cannot be in the same room as any other investigators"), and has a "Reflex" ability that triggers randomly each turn. Her Mania card was one of the Pyromaniac cards, so she was randomly setting spaces on fire! She (Dexter Drake) had managed to damage herself severely and was down to 1 stamina. I bolted for the cave door, the Cave Entrance was 2 spaces away from her and was still locked so she had a spare action. Naturally, she chose to explore. What did she find? A DITCH in the ground! She fell in, losing her remaining stamina, and was eliminated.

I (Bob Jenkins, the only investigator who had not been played yet) holed up in the cave until sunrise and won the game. It was the first time I had ever won a Mansions scenario as an investigator! Too bad I was all alone.

All five scenarios are interesting and unique, and none of them are wholly reminiscent of the linear-clue style predecessor scenarios.

Tibs said:

I (Bob Jenkins, the only investigator who had not been played yet) holed up in the cave until sunrise and won the game. It was the first time I had ever won a Mansions scenario as an investigator! Too bad I was all alone.

rofl. that is epic. I sure hope I can get my hands on Call of the Wild this weekend for just this scenario alone.

Agnes, what country you from?

I'm from Iceland :)
and I have an order for this game :)

and I just heard I would be getting it on monday afternoon :D I can´t wait :)

Im in Scotland and I found out I wont be unless the guy at the shop couldnt be bothered to tell me!

Played the Keeperless scenario last night and was fun. Tomorrow my friends will be consumed by the dark! apesta

Sorry for the poopie. Didn't have laughing devil smiley anymore so I thought that was the second most appropriate smiley…

bummer, i ordered it 2 or 3 weeks ago to be sure.
here it is best do allways order it cecourse you can never be sure it would come other wise, we only have one shop like this.

hope it will arrive shortly after you order it

I'm still on pins and needless for this expancion… and by the sound of you guy's I outa be :P

Found out I played wrong the other night: the creatures all move two when they activate, not just once! Then they attack!!! Really really hard but I somehow managed to win with Michael McGlen when my friend sacrificed himself to help me slay a Goat Spawn to lessen the amount of aggro I was receiving from a few other rushing monsters. There was so much fire!

The new Keeperless gameplay also allows for much home-made scenarios and proxy your own Event deck. Was very impressed with whoever thought of making solitaire gameplay out of Mansions. Now the replay value and create your own scenarios got even more epic. Hoping still also for some Keeperless scenarios made by Print on Demand.

More so, I've yet still to play the other scenarios. Cannot wait till next weekend…

just finished counting every thing in the box, will be able to start playing in a litle bit (I raed the rules erlyer so we can start when my groop arriwes :D )
Hope you get this expancion soon Lilikin

Played it this last weekend (I friend brought it over) and went out and bought it today. Lot's of great expansion boards and other stuff, but I'm still disappointed that such a big expansion had only 4 new investigators in it. Forbiddin Alchemy was a smaller expansion and came with only 4 new investigatores, I was hoping for 8. That said, I think that the new investigators are interesting and offer real choices in what you pick for starting items and stats (unlike some of the basic set ones where there would be only one real obvious choice, such as Ashcan Pete starting with Duke instead of the lame one use guitar). Will have to play is again to get a better feel of the game.

After going through my game and expansions, I realised that the reason they only had 4 investigators in CoW is that they were just adding in the last of the AH basic game characters. At this rate, I doubt we will ever see all of the AH characters make it into MoM, whcih is too bad (also considering they already have all the miniatures made for them). I was hoping for some of the DH characters to be in this expansion considering it comes with the Dunwich Horror as an actual monster. I wonder which of the DH characters will make it into the next MoM major expansion (assuming there are more to come). Which characters would you like to see in a MoM expansion (assuming they'll only have 4 as with the previous ones)?