Ive played twice now with a friend of mine. Ive played the shadow both times and won both times via victory points.
We are not playing with the expansion but the second game was very close. Came down to the last combat die roll to see if I could take Edoras.
If he had gotten another turn Im sure he would have won.
Is there a usual path to victory for the shadow that is rather predictable because I won by taking the exact same victory points in both games but not in the same order.
The next time Im supposed to play the FP so I was wondering if there might be a way to buy some more time
Im thinking that if the Gondor nation were to actually come to the aid of Rohan or the Elves it might make winning difficult for the shadow. I mean Gondor seems to be a bit of a lost cause but Helms Deep, Edoras and Lorien seem to be a bit more difficult to take an hold.
Would it be better for the FP to focus on saving one of those 3 to buy some turns rather than defending Gondor.