Finally Descent second edition has arrive in italy and so we start plaing and, of course, questioning about it. But not as much as the first edition after all.
We notice some of our problems has born after the translation, so be patience with me if i'm asking something obviously written in the(english) core.
i'm starting with few questions but i'm sure i'll add more next time we'll play.
1)isnt the "stand up " and " Revive " actions too strong? i mean, if an hero stand up itselfs he recover 2 power dice damage but ends immidiatly his turn (and its ok) but if he's getting helped, he recover the same ammount and he still have his 2 action to perform! and his helper still have another one. usually the Healer of the group always have a tool to do that even at distance. So at the end all of end for 1 hero to consume 1 action.
my players suggest me to home rule this part and reduce the power dice to just 1 if the hero is helped to stand-up. waht you think about?
2) How the players (and the Ol) suppose to choose the next scenario in the act 1? The manual suppose we have to read all the mission first and then decide with one, or just have a random decision ?
i dont think so. For the Act 2 is very easy. left side - if the heros wins the act 1 map, right side if the OL has win that mission. the game itselfs show you the best map (i suppose) if you'have win before. So i think we miss the part that explain us how to decide in the act 1.
3)in the core it says about the champain: " regardless of the winner, both part recive 1 exp , and the winner will recive special reward written in the mission manual"
but than in the mission core it repeat again " both part recive 1exp ". so that exp adds to the basic reward (so 2 exp for both) or is just a refresh?
4) a model with the reack skill can ignore line of sight? dor istance: i have an ettin with reach. hero 1 is adjacent to me, over stright him there are hero 2. hero 1 block my line of sigh to hero 2. but i'm making a melee attack that can reach hero 2. i can harm him?