Between Navis Primer (NP) and Stars of Inequity (SoI), we now have more strict numbers set aside for travel times. Many of the Warp routes set in NP are considerably longer than what has been set before. SoI also gives us the time to travel into and out of a system, ranging from a few weeks to over two months.
Consider a fairly straightforward trip (by the standards fo travel within the Koronus Expanse) of Footfall to Port Wander. The time in Warp is only set for 5 days, but each system will typically have 2 weeks of travel time to/from the jump point. So it's about a month for this short leg.
For other trips - like Footfall to Damaris, we;re looking at 200 days in the warp and likely six weeks in transit (2 leaving Footfall and 4 approaching Damaris). That's a crazy amount of time and likely terribly risky for any ship lacking an Arboretum and/or Extended Supply Vaults.
In fact, using Table 2-2 in NP for random Warp travel times, we find that the average length of Warp travel is 65 days. Assuming that travel will take place from Primary Biosphere to Primary Biosphere (a fairly common occurance) we can add two more months. So we now have a one-way trip that averages 3 months, and if the ship just turns around and heads back without delay it can just barely get back before it starts straining its 6 month of supplies. All of that assumes nothing goes wrong… Making every trip a very risky gamble on supplies.
I'd argue that if these numbers are going to be used, the base endurance of a voidship needs to be far more than 6 months. We hear about ships that can exist without resupply for years at a time, but with the current systems available to us, the maximum possible is 2 years - barely meeting the mark and leaving no room to extend the upper end.