Group in New York City and near Weehawken, NJ

By Rudeboygraves, in Anima: Beyond Fantasy RPG


I am a new player of Anima and have purchased the book. I tried to get my friends to play it here at school, but since I am leaving, did not fully understand the magic system, and was DMing for the first time, my friends did not want to learn the system. I wanted to know if there were any groups that would like to have another player in New York City or in areas surrounding Weehawken, NJ.

Thank You For Your Time and Consideration

Is there a reason why no one will reply to my question?

Thank you I appreciate the help.

If anyone in the area does want to play, I could GM

Same here. I have a group I DM for, but they demand to play Dnd…4.0 (shudder).

Yeah I know what you mean. My friends and I always went for the cinematic feel in DND 3.5 but the rules were never really laid out, then I found Anima and they decided they didn't want to learn the system. Even though they play 40K and I find those rule more difficult to learn and remember than Anima.