(New GM) Basic Rule Questions

By Inquisitor Zadok, in Dark Heresy Rules Questions

I've been reading the rule book and I still have a few questions about afew bits and pieces, hoping I may find some clarification here.
Thanks in advance.

1) Burning fate points, no matter how many times I read the paragraph. I struggle to understand. If a PC burns a fate point they "Permanently" have -1 FP. (is that for the rest of the session? or campaign? can they go no higher than 2 FP, if they had to burn one?) then the book says: If they have 0 FP they can still burn one and next session you -1 FP off their FP - but if they have 0 FP, how do you -1?

2) On the character sheets (we have the 4 page detailed sheets), there are squares already blackened out on the character abilities (such as swim, dodge, decieve) - why are they blackened out? is it because all characters start off with them as basic skills?

3) Starting talents: Scum can choose ambedexterous OR unremarkable, but ambedextrous has a pre-quist of 30 AG, the Scum's AG is 27. does this mean he must have unremarkable? or do starting talents over tide this limitation?

4) Starting gear: Clothing. The characters can usually choose up to 3 different types of clothes with (something like) Poor Quality Clothing in brackets at the end of the sentence. Is it the last item that is the PQC or is all of the clothing choices no matter what a PC chooses. Taking Scum again as an example: he can have a quilited vest AND coveralls - but why does he need 2 options? (unless it there for changing/disguising?)

5) Movement tests/rolls - How do these come into effect? If a character wants to walk down a corridor he has to roll to see how many metres he is travelling? or is to do with combat how close (or far) can he get to (or from) a combatant?

I'm sure i have more questions but I think this is enough for now.
Thanks again.


Inquisitor Zadok said:

I've been reading the rule book and I still have a few questions about afew bits and pieces, hoping I may find some clarification here.
Thanks in advance.

1) Burning fate points, no matter how many times I read the paragraph. I struggle to understand. If a PC burns a fate point they "Permanently" have -1 FP. (is that for the rest of the session? or campaign? can they go no higher than 2 FP, if they had to burn one?) then the book says: If they have 0 FP they can still burn one and next session you -1 FP off their FP - but if they have 0 FP, how do you -1?

2) On the character sheets (we have the 4 page detailed sheets), there are squares already blackened out on the character abilities (such as swim, dodge, decieve) - why are they blackened out? is it because all characters start off with them as basic skills?

3) Starting talents: Scum can choose ambedexterous OR unremarkable, but ambedextrous has a pre-quist of 30 AG, the Scum's AG is 27. does this mean he must have unremarkable? or do starting talents over tide this limitation?

4) Starting gear: Clothing. The characters can usually choose up to 3 different types of clothes with (something like) Poor Quality Clothing in brackets at the end of the sentence. Is it the last item that is the PQC or is all of the clothing choices no matter what a PC chooses. Taking Scum again as an example: he can have a quilited vest AND coveralls - but why does he need 2 options? (unless it there for changing/disguising?)

5) Movement tests/rolls - How do these come into effect? If a character wants to walk down a corridor he has to roll to see how many metres he is travelling? or is to do with combat how close (or far) can he get to (or from) a combatant?

I'm sure i have more questions but I think this is enough for now.
Thanks again.


Burning fate points means that you literally lose a fate point, forever. You can obtain new ones via gm's discretion, most usually doing heroic acts or by lengthy enough of servitude. When you use a fate point, it is restored afterwards in the next session. if you burn, it wont come back, thus actually lowering your maximum fate points per session. You can burn an already used fate point. If you do not have any fate points left to burn, your character is dead. period.

I would think that yes, you start them as basic skills. What basic skill actually means that you can use them without being trained in it, but you halve your stat you roll against. IE: pc has 30 agility, and uses a dodge reaction to dodge an attack. He has it as basic, but not trained. He rolls against 15 (halved agility) instead of full 30.

I am not sure on this one, but I think you can choose to have your starting talents without regarding requirements.

The clothing choice is purely a roleplay aspect, that could be fitted to suit the background of the character itself. Guardsman can choose between an uniform and a mercenary clothing, for example. It doesn't affect anything else. What you actually might have into mixup, is that the other is an armor, and the other is actual clothing. I've ran into plenty of people doing this same mistake: You do not run buttnaked under your armor, you probably want some clothing that at least prevents you getting a nasty rash for the heavy armor rubbing against your skin all day.

I would think that movement tests come into play if you are blinded in any way. This might not mean actual blindness, but something like being in a dark room without a light source. I remember you can walk your half move, using other half action to feel where you are going. If you move a full round, you need to make an agility test or fall down. This is how we used to play it anyway, but also the enviroment might come into play. There's no sense doing an agility tests if you are only walking down a smooth corridor with no actual rubble to trip upon.

hope this helped.

1) Burn fate point, if the character dies he burn a fate point to cheat death. Once he is down to the zero he can no longer cheat death. These burned fate points are never restored. However, as a GM you can award players with fate points if they do some heroic action or by the end of the campaign, just make sure they don't go above 2-3 fate points in general. A player can also "spend" a fate point to reroll a dice or stuff, these "spendings" are reset for each game session. Spending a fate point does not lower the total fate point number, its just a per game session count.

2) Everybody starts with a lot of skills on basic level, i.e. half ability score. In table 3-1 on page 97, all those skills that have type Basic are skills that every character start out with on basic level.

3) You can ignore ability requirements when selecting starting skills in you career. The requirements kicks in when you want to spend XP to buy a skill/talent.

4) The clothes are just meant to help you visiualize how a Scum looks like in Dark Heresy. It does not have any game mechanical impact.

5) I am not sure what you mean with movement rolls/tests? There are no tests involved with moving about. Movement is handled very specifically in combat situations, but outside of combat in "narrative" time no rolls are normally needed for movement, only if you need to move very fast through difficult terrain, try read page 212 and keep the combat vs. narrative difference in mind.

Also a good advice: Download and read through the errata, quite a lot has been "fixed" in Dark Heresy.