
By Da_ghetto_gamer, in UFS Deck Building

I really didnt expect this deck 2 really work but against a deck that doesnt run many attacks it works pretty well

Basic idea is to use Pyrons react to remove attacks or key foundations from the game so that my opponent cant draw them but the biggest problem is that i run out of cards in hand and my opponent ends up drawing one or 2 attacks and its hard for me 2 block.

Suggestions welcome its still in the development stages so any ideas are welcome

Character x1

Pyron x1 (death/mountain/fire)

Foundations x 42

x4 Reventants Calling 2/5 (death/mountain)
x4 Shotokan 3/4 (fire)
x4 Martial Arts Champ 2/4 (death/fire)
x4 Commitment to excellence 2/6 (fire)
x4 Merciless 2/6 9(fire/mountain)
x4 Manifest Destiny 1/4 (death/fire)
x4 Silent Soldier 1/4 (fire/mountain)
x4 Adoration 1/5 (death/fire)
x4 Cursed Blood 1/4 (death)
x3 Bushinryu Ninpo 0/4 (death/fire)
x3 Bitter Rivals 3/4 (fire)

Attacks x 18

x4 Clones 3/5 (fire/mountain)
x4 Kens close Strong Punch 4/2 (Death/Fire)
x4 Zodiac fire 5/3 (Death/Fire/mountain)
x4 Bad Stone (Death/Fire)
x2 Descending Slash (death/Fire/mountain)

Assests x4

x4 Olcadans Mentoring (infinity)

Have you considered fight for the future to refill your hand?

I'd say stick to a solo theme. If you're going to mix it up, make sure you get most of Death's control board.

Also, Nightmare gave Death-Fire a throw named Jade Crusher. Utilize the Hell out of that card! Try using The Way of the Mightiest so it deals even more damage (and it shares Earth/Fire).

I did have fight for the future in here before but when i played it in the deck all it did was make my opponent draw more cards then i could see thus drawing into cards i didnt want them 2 and more attacks maybe it was the decks i was testing against but it just seemed 2 hurt me more then it helped

and when you say death control pieces which ones are you thinking i should add?