Question about Public Lavatory

By player1743690, in Elder Sign

I have a really silly question that's been bugging me for a long time. The adventure card Public Lavatory has a text that says: "Add two monsters when this card is drawn".

Does this mean that as soon as it is put on the table, one has to put the two monsters in the card, or is it when you beat the adveture,

My gaming group have this argument since the first time we played it.


As soon as Public Lavatory is drawn, you add two monsters to it, one to each monster task. As reward for beating the Adventure, you get 2 Elder Signs and "get" to add 2 more monsters (but to other adventures).

When you succesfully resolve an adventure, you collect the adventure card as a trophy and draw a new one. So the "draw" sentence on the card is triggered as soon as you draw the card from the deck and put it in the playing area, not when you claim it as a trophy

Thanks for the answer. Thanks to you I won a bet..

Time to collect the price.

Dam said:

As soon as Public Lavatory is drawn, you add two monsters to it, one to each monster task. As reward for beating the Adventure, you get 2 Elder Signs and "get" to add 2 more monsters (but to other adventures).

You don't have to add the monsters to the Lavoratory adventure, you may also add them to any other available slots in play instead.

schm0 said:

You don't have to add the monsters to the Lavoratory adventure, you may also add them to any other available slots in play instead.

Eh, you complete Lavatory, how on earth do you add monsters to it since it is no longer in play? If you're talking about when Lavatory is first put into play, you 100% have to put the the monsters on Lavatory: "When this card is drawn, 2 monsters appear and are placed on this card ." (emphasis added)

schm0 said:

Dam said:

As soon as Public Lavatory is drawn, you add two monsters to it, one to each monster task. As reward for beating the Adventure, you get 2 Elder Signs and "get" to add 2 more monsters (but to other adventures).

You don't have to add the monsters to the Lavoratory adventure, you may also add them to any other available slots in play instead.

The card heavily implies you are meant to add them to the Lavatory card, not to other cards.

I put the monsters in Public Lavatory, my friends and I interpret that way. (=

Notreveh said:

I put the monsters in Public Lavatory, my friends and I interpret that way. (=

Can a sane person interpret "When a player draws this card, place 1 monster in each monster task below ." differently? This cannot be even twisted in a rules-lawyering attempt. (unless the other players are drunk) :)

klaymen_sk said:

Can a sane person interpret "When a player draws this card, place 1 monster in each monster task below ." differently? This cannot be even twisted in a rules-lawyering attempt. (unless the other players are drunk) :)

Guess you have the Revised printing, because my PL reads: "When this card is drawn, 2 monsters appear and are placed on this card." That said, can't see how you'd put those monsters anywhere else but "this card." Unless PL was drawn as replacement during Kate Winthrop's turn…