Wurrzag and X cost spells

By Sagefoxwood, in Warhammer Invasion Rules Questions

so i was wondering about the 3 cost orc legend i want to run flames of tzeentch in my deck

but i was wondering if i am able to make x equal to whatever recourses i have but for free

sorry for the double post but i forgot to ask is X considered odd or even or which ever i choose ?

If you get to play an X-cost card with one of these type of cards that lets you use tactics for free, you treat X as 0 (it's in the FAQ). And 0 is even, with respect to your second question. So a 0 paid for X-cost tactic isn't really that awesome.

But what's probably more important is that Wurrzag allows you to play an ORC tactic when he attacks, so the Flames of Tzeentch are probably less appealing to you now.

… and when you use Wurrzag's action to play an Orc tactic with cost X, since you're playing it for free (which is the same as "at no cost"), X is zero. So if it's for example Smash-Go-Boom!, you'll destroy zero developments.

ah thanks guys silly me only paying attention to the bold text x.x