Howdy Guys!
I had a friend introduce me to this game about a month and a half ago and, while not initially sold because of my "only 2 players is boring" mentality, I've been bitten by the Runner bug hard and am now completely hooked. At the moment I have 2 core sets (or corsets, if your significant other is reading and wants to have a bit of a laugh!) and have built myself 2 runner and 2 corp decks. I have borrowed some cards from my friends expansions that he isn't using but I am also planning of obtaining my own expacs in the nearish future.
My first runner deck was a Shaper and I totally love the mid-late game power Kate has with the right rig. Assuming I'm not up against a quick advance NBN (coincidentally the second Corp I decided to build) and I remember that everything in Jinteki has to possibilty to hurt me, I do quite well with Kate. My second Runner, just rigged up in the past day or so, is an Anarch. I'm "bringing the Noise" with this one as I've seen this particular deck leave even the most capable of Corporations grasping for straws as he digs four and five deep into R&D and then trashes all the valuable things with imp.
My first corp deck was HB as I was completely enthralled with all the Bioroids. I like their flavour and the fact that if the runner doesn't make first click runs against things like Heimdal or Janus, he is going to have to pay out the nose to get around them. I may be running a bit slower version of HB as I have opted for running Mandatory Upgrades but when you do score one or more of those in a game the runner always seems to be scrambling to get in front of me. I haven't yet tried my quick advance NBN with Scorched Earth's splashed in but I've watched a couple play and they seem very effective.
Anyways, the purpose of this thread is so that I can post my deck lists and get feedback from the community on them. Anything constructive is awesome and helps me build continue to evolve my decks. I've already gotten a lot of help from just lurking these forums and reading about other people's decks so let me end this introductory post by giving a BIG thank you to the community here and to Brighton in particular, whose Shaper and HB Handbook posts were immensley helpful when I first started building my decks.
Run Hard, Play Harder,