Not Just The Heroes

By Warboss Krag, in Dust Warfare General Discussion

FFG needs to release other models out of boxed sets, not just the heroes. I speak of the minis from the Revised Core Set, which are unavailable otherwise. The Heavy Laser Grenadiers are the best anti-armor squad in the game, especially with the Visible Lasers upgrade. The Hans is hands down the best walker for the price. As it stands, those players who already have the set are penalised; if they want as little as one additional unit from the set, they have to get the whole set. Of course, once you want 4 additional units, then the set is a viable purchase. But if you don't want 4+, you're stuck.

I just decided that I'm going to buy a second revised core set for all the unique units and walkers, but I do wish they were available separately, as I would have bought some of the individual units by now, as opposed to putting it off until I came around to buying a second revised Edition.

As a person that is new to the game, I agree. This and they should do the heros as individual packs. Also starter army boxes would be nice.

I'm finding that the choice in packaging is making the game a hard sell to new players. Most take a long pause when they hear that some of the staple units are only available in the revised core set. They are also very disappointed by the "creative marketing" on the boxes - the picture shows 2 or 3 walkers when the box reaaly only contains one. I don't even want to get started on the whole no official cards aspect…

Hard to draw in new players with so many barriers to entry.

Mike J said:

I'm finding that the choice in packaging is making the game a hard sell to new players. Most take a long pause when they hear that some of the staple units are only available in the revised core set.

Warfare is still less than a year old and most of the hero expansions, all but the SSU boxes, were out well before warfare came out. Warfare players have to show FFG that there is a desire for these units outside the Tactics packaging. When that happens FFG can communicate that to Dust Studios and then repackaging can be done at some point in the future.

Mike J said:

They are also very disappointed by the "creative marketing" on the boxes - the picture shows 2 or 3 walkers when the box reaaly only contains one.

The boxes clearly state what is inside the box, there is no "creative marketing" going on. Do people really think that magically 4 medium walkers will fit in a box that small?

Mike J said:

I don't even want to get started on the whole no official cards aspect…

This one still confounds me.

Since when are tabletop war games expected to be accompanied by unit cards? FFG has already posted units stats on their website for free. I get that "official" cards would be neat, but they are far from necessary. The fan made cards are beautiful, free, and you will, and should, memorize all the relevant stats for your units anyway.

I agree on every point. I'm just repeating what the people at my LGS who appear interested have said. None of it has stopped me, except the unavailability of Bazooka Joe and Sigrid (I'm a collector and would like to have the "full set") - eventually I'll find them on eBay… The card issue is probably my own fault as I have Rodney's cards and use them in every game. Folks love them but are disappointed when I say they are fan made and are available for free on the Internet.

It is a bit of a catch-22. FFG can push for a change if enough people buy in. But people aren't buying in (at least locally for me) until they see a change.

And yes, people at my LGS, including the owner have commented on the pictures not matching the contents. I never saw it that way, but then I tend to read the words on the boxes. I'm weird like that…

Right now they're doing New Years inventory, but they carry the main game box set components split up, you can order separately. I picked up a flak troop and 2 sets of dice, reasonably priced and shipped fast. Check back there in a couple weeks it sounds like, maybe the dust will be back up by then. Think they also sell components via an eBay store

ItsUncertainWho said:

This one still confounds me.

Since when are tabletop war games expected to be accompanied by unit cards? FFG has already posted units stats on their website for free. I get that "official" cards would be neat, but they are far from necessary. The fan made cards are beautiful, free, and you will, and should, memorize all the relevant stats for your units anyway.

One of the most popular minis games, Warmachine/Hordes (which in some areas is more popular than Warhammer 40K and Fantasy), includes cards with the models. These cards can also be purchased in packs or individually from the website.

In fact, you generally don't even need the factoin or expansion rulebook that the model is detailed in - the card has everything you need.

Granted the cards are somewhat more required for play due to the way unit damage works, and the damage boxes that are printed on the cards.

As for fan cards, those are great, but not everyone knows they exist.

There is also this other game called Dust Tactics that did the same thing as Warmachine/Hordes - included a card with the models. Some Warfare players may have noticed a card that falls into their laps as they open the box containing their Dust Warfare models. That might have something to do with the desire for cards, or it could just be a coincidence.

Warmachine/Hordes uses the cards as a part of the mechanic, with the damage templates. This isn't unheard of, other skirmish games have done it before Warmachine, but it is not the norm for table top war games. Dust Tactics, being designed as a board game, uses cards as a quick reference and damage tracker also. Again, quite common with boardgames.

There is nothing wrong with using or wanting cards. I just find the indignation at not having official cards to be a bit much. FFG already put army reference files up, for free, on this website. Those work just as well as cards and take even less effort to use.

ItsUncertainWho said:

Warmachine/Hordes uses the cards as a part of the mechanic, with the damage templates. This isn't unheard of, other skirmish games have done it before Warmachine, but it is not the norm for table top war games. Dust Tactics, being designed as a board game, uses cards as a quick reference and damage tracker also. Again, quite common with boardgames.

There is nothing wrong with using or wanting cards. I just find the indignation at not having official cards to be a bit much. FFG already put army reference files up, for free, on this website. Those work just as well as cards and take even less effort to use.

agreed. We used to use the fan made cards, but I've been finding the reference sheets are more useful and take up a bit less room.