"Whirlwind of Death" error in Core book

By Randal, in Black Crusade Rules Questions


In Table 4-2 on page 116, the description for Whirlwind of Death mentions melee fighting:

"Make one attack for each melee opponent."

While on page 134 of the book it only mentions using the skill against hordes:

"When facing massed opponents in combat the character becomes a whirlwind of death, moving, hacking, gutting, and beheading with ceaseless fury. When attacking a Horde, the character deals additional Magnitude damage equal to half his Weapon Skill Bonus."

Should I combine both or just go with the description on page 134 and assume the table is in error?


Ignore the table, use the description of the talent.

The interesting thing is that in Only War the talent has the same fluff description and mechanically gives you that one free standard attack at each opponent currently in melee with you. You might want to consider using the half weapon skill version against hordes and the one extra attack against single opponents in melee, if you don't think thats too strong for one single talent. Or, considering that Only War has no rules for Hordes (currently) and generally speaking mortals shouldn't go against hordes, you might make it so that it gives the horde bonus to Space Marines and the single target bonus to mortals.

But generally speaking the guideline of "ignore table, go with description" is the right one here. Me and my group use the most up to date version of the talents/combat rules in every system(so Black Crusade and now Only War for DW and RT), so your mileage may vary.