I know there is a document floating around detailing all the changes made in Core Exxet, but will FFG ever publish, even as a .pdf, a list of these changes, as there will now be two books out written assuming these changes have been implemented in our games?
So, No Core Exxet?
Three, actually. Dominus, Arcana, and apparently they've confirmed that Prometheum Exxet is due out Q2 this year.
Not just that, just half a year ago they did a reprint of the corr book, where they could have one and published core exxet in it's stead
Raybras said:
Not just that, just half a year ago they did a reprint of the corr book, where they could have one and published core exxet in it's stead
Ah, but that could just be clever (read: devious) business strategy. Give one last re-print of the Core Rules, so more people buy it, thinking that Core Exxet won't be coming out in English.
Then, a year later, bring out Core Exxet, knowing full well that almost everyone who bought the Core Rules will now go out and pay again for CE.
Beadle said:
Raybras said:
Not just that, just half a year ago they did a reprint of the corr book, where they could have one and published core exxet in it's stead
Ah, but that could just be clever (read: devious) business strategy. Give one last re-print of the Core Rules, so more people buy it, thinking that Core Exxet won't be coming out in English.
Then, a year later, bring out Core Exxet, knowing full well that almost everyone who bought the Core Rules will now go out and pay again for CE.
Would that actually be worth the loss of good will FFG would incur?
If they want to keep their good will and still make money they should release a pdf document detailing all the changes in Core Exxet and also release Core Exxet basically saying "Here's a pdf for free, but we're pretty sure you want this nice shiny updated book instead of a printed out errata"
If they tidied up the language problems from the first book I'd buy it…
FFG doesn't actually have to release anything, since all the changes are a) optional and b) compiled for free on the game's official forums. Our version of the rules actually already incorporated a number of the changes that the European community only got when Core Exxet was released. The game's creator doesn't want to release a new book here in the US with so few changes.
Reply #57 has the summary as well as a link to a PDF with the new magic book