Lost card.

By MBosely, in Mansions of Madness

I'm all upset currently as Sunday I introduced several friends to Mansions and we really enjoyed it leading to tonight's game at which we found I'm somehow missing a stat card for the tommy gun wielding gangster. The one that speaks about his once per game ability to get skill points back when attacking I think.

1. Anybody know a way to get a replacement?

2. Can someone post the info/stats so I can jot it down?


I think it's the other intellect card.

Ok, so I found a photo of the missing card, entitled "find weakness".

So I have the info at least, and thanks to the one guy who tried to help out with that link.

Still, leaves the question of replacement, is there NO way to get a replacement card?

MBosely said:

Still, leaves the question of replacement, is there NO way to get a replacement card?

That is exactly my question, but with Lord of the Rings lcg instead. Am missing my set of Songs of Durin and two Brok Ironfists, at the least.

It would be nice to be able to repurchase these cards and cards in the future, especially if a card meets an accident, so as not to buy a new product anywhere between 15-80 dollars for a few cards.

Having found no way to get an actual copy of the card I found a photo of it, sized it, printed it and sleeved it with a cut out piece of card stock for backing. The back side is not as pretty, but if used the "card" is face up all the time anyway. I win.

Did you write to ffg customer support?

They are very prompt at replacing missing components (e.g. I once lost an exploration card and they send back to me the whole set).

No, it seems like from what I read on the site when I went to the section for missing components that they only replace things missing from the box when it is opened, not damaged, (or lost, i presume) through the course of use. It wouldn't be honest to claim that it was missing from the start, as I lost it.

It is up to you. Though, as I wrote, I was honnestly explaining my case and they send me back the damaged card. There would be no major risk in asking, would it ?
