Hey guys, I have just bought the coore game for myself today so that i can get it and learn the rules before this weekend so me and some friends can play. But besides that i'd like to know what order should i buy the expansions, the minatures and everything else, so when i start buying everything i can have a fair idea on what to get first and where to start. Thanks for your guys imput it will be much appreciated.
Purchasing order.
The Novgorod Expansion would be a good buy and also the Shogunate characters, if you are four players.
There's just a lack of four player scenario's, but I'm working on a campaign for four player, hoping to finish it at the end of the next month.
It really depends on your situation. If you want to play games with 3 or even 4 players, you should get Operation Novgorod (Russian Matriarchy for the 3rd player) and the Shogunate expansions (for the 4th player). If you usually play with only 2 players and want to get additional miniatures for the Reich and the Union, I'd suggest getting Hoss (Reich) and Hoax (Union) plus the Reich and Union trooper pack. If you want to get new boards first, get Operation Hinansho. You don't need the Shogunate to use the boards or play the campaigns.