Here . Finally the game is getting expanded :-)
Dunwich, and some Unseen Forces, had arrived…
Julia said:
Here . Finally the game is getting expanded :-)
Finally we have been waiting a long time for this! It sounds great I am so excited and it doesn't look like the wait will be to long before we get it.
Oh man, great news! Any idea which Investigators (except the obvious ones) might come with it?
Finally!!! I've been waiting for this for so long…
I can't wait!
Awesome news!
Wish i could pre-order it. I want it as soon as it is released!
But i would really like to know more about the new game mechanics as would really like the game to get more "fleshed out".
I guess it's all about Dunwich (from what we see of the new four AOs cards), and after seeing Diana in the preview, my guess is that we'll see the whole Dunwich family arriving (and related other worlds card). The core ES set mirrored the core Arkham set, so I don't see why they shouldn't go on with this.
Hope some new preview will be aired soon :-)
Julia said:
I guess it's all about Dunwich (from what we see of the new four AOs cards
Can you tell me which AO's do you see?
I can't make anything from this little picture.
Can you tell me which AO's do you see?
I can't make anything from this little picture.
Aboth (the first one, you can recognize his nostrils), Tsathogghua (you can see his tongue) and Glaaki (the last one, recognizable because of the blue sky in the background). You can check their art on the All these three AOs were released in the Dunwich Horror expansion for the Arkham Horror line, so my guess is that all the expansion will be related somehow to Dunwich
But clearly, I'm just speculating on a few assumptions
Also, you can see on the right side of the picture Rita (the first investigator), Jacqueline and Leo (third and fourth in the investigators stack)
This is great, I'm really looking forward to it. I really hope they also reprint the 3 characters with the incorrect text on them and include them in the expansion. The ones with the new "once per day" wording. It'd be nice to have the correct wording on the card and not have to look them up in the FAQ.
barrid said:
This is great, I'm really looking forward to it. I really hope they also reprint the 3 characters with the incorrect text on them and include them in the expansion. The ones with the new "once per day" wording. It'd be nice to have the correct wording on the card and not have to look them up in the FAQ.
THIS is what I have been waiting for. Thank you FFG! I just hope it's as good as the base… Maybe a little more challenging too.
At long last, an expansion for my favorite game.
Preorder as soon as I can.
Another Must Buy (**** these new smilies suck!) I do wish they had got the Game out of the museum & into another location.
But what about the South Pacific stuff like in Omens?
Musha Shukou said:
But what about the South Pacific stuff like in Omens?
Looks like they're taking the boardgame in a different direction, which I am pleased about. Should keep both versions interesting to play for different reasons. I think eventually they could easily start using different locations in the boardgame, too, but keeping them unique is a good idea.
On another subject, in the monster pile, I'm guessing the light green things with all the teeth are probably specific to Aboth- probably Child of Aboths, like in AH. Also, I'm dying to know what that weird symbol on Wizard Whately's monster token is- it looks like something out of Battlestar Galactaca.
Can't wait for this. Insta-buy!
I pretty much said my piece here:
xfoley8 said:
Also, I'm dying to know what that weird symbol on Wizard Whately's monster token is- it looks like something out of Battlestar Galactaca.
I'm willing to bet that symbol means you have to complete task in order if Whately is placed high enough in the task order. Which is quite devious.
I'm also thinking that they did not include a Cthulhu or Ithaqua-like "second stage" either because 1) they are saving it for another expansion or 2) decided it was too much to have to rotate out an entire set of adventure card for a new stack.
I think the digital version lends itself to easier manipulations in transitions between "stages" as well as the themeing of the monster cup to include GOO-specific monsters. If all this was done in a physical sense you'd be setting up almost a second version of the game which is something people might complain about.
bioball said:
xfoley8 said:
Also, I'm dying to know what that weird symbol on Wizard Whately's monster token is- it looks like something out of Battlestar Galactaca.
I'm willing to bet that symbol means you have to complete task in order if Whately is placed high enough in the task order. Which is quite devious.
And I'd bet you're right, although I'm guessing you have to do them in order regardless of whether Whately's at the top or bottom of the adventure. Yes, that should add to the difficulty.
Really exited about this expansion, I feel like our group has almost played it enough now over the last couple of months to justify buying an add on and give the game a little more variety and difficulty! Thank you FFG
bioball said:
I think the digital version lends itself to easier manipulations in transitions between "stages" as well as the themeing of the monster cup to include GOO-specific monsters. If all this was done in a physical sense you'd be setting up almost a second version of the game which is something people might complain about.
My thought exactly. I hope FFG keeps the board game inside the museum in the future too; pleanty of new ideas can be implemented for the current set.
And I am hoping they will reprint the erratad cards and tokens. It would be nice to have at least a corrected Elder Sign adventure…
I just saw this a few days ago, I am really excited for this. This is my and my wifes favorite starter game. usually end up laying it half way through the night…
xfoley8 said:
bioball said:
xfoley8 said:
Also, I'm dying to know what that weird symbol on Wizard Whately's monster token is- it looks like something out of Battlestar Galactaca.
I'm willing to bet that symbol means you have to complete task in order if Whately is placed high enough in the task order. Which is quite devious.
And I'd bet you're right, although I'm guessing you have to do them in order regardless of whether Whately's at the top or bottom of the adventure. Yes, that should add to the difficulty.
Been pondering this some more, and now I think that symbol means Whately has to be the final task completed, regardless of where he is placed on the adventure. Being as he locks a red die, this could make him a particular pain. I love it!
Am eagerly awaiting the next preview of Unseen Forces. More thoughts on what might be included….
Since the expansion seems to be mirroring the Dunwich expansion for AH, I'm wondering if the 6 'new' OW adventures pictured are actually the 2 new ones that were included in Dunwich, and 4 replacement OWs for all those in the base game that included doom as a 'reward'. Thematically, and from a playing perspective, this never made sense to me- why would you want to attempt these (unles you were going for the win) when there are usually so many museum adventures that give you elder signs without any doom? Guessing that they redeigned them to match the ES: Omens app versions- the overturned photo example looks like Celeano, complete with 'remove doom token' symbol, just like Omens.
Want to see more examples of 'master mythos' cards, and a unique and/or common item that does something different besides adding dice.
Please post that update soon, FFG!