Portland Guardian Games Event!!!

By MinionOfProvidence, in CoC Organized Play

Hello everyone

Not sure if its already known but anyone in the Portland/ Washington area who likes or loves Cthulhu come to gaurdian games in Portland for a great time. Every month there is a group of us who get together and game not only CoC but Arkham as well as Elder Sign. There are also regular tournaments our next one being in March. Its a three faction three player tournament. Its never to late to show up and get in on the action and Gaurdian Games has a bar! But if you are under age fear not there are always tables reserved just outside the bar and we cycle players regularly. Its fun and layed back and the guys are totally willing to teach and share decks if you need them. our next meeting is February 16th from 1-5 if your interested hope to see anyone and everyone there! (did i mention the tournaments have awesome prizes?)

Hey Minion,

Thanks for the shout out for our group in Portland. You're absolutely right that it's a lot of fun and we have a great group of playes. I mean, it's pretty hard to beat Call of Cthulhu + beer, right?

Will I see you at our next meet up on February 16th? Hopefully I can get in another game against your brother.

I can't wait for our multi-faction tournament on March 2nd. I've been working on some deck ideas…

Heck yeah!

I cant wait! I have been making three faction decks like mad so next time we throw down ill have to try some new ones out.

I haven't gotten into Call of Cthulhu yet, but I plan to get into it sometime this year (hopefully very soon)!

That said, I'm hooked on A Game of Thrones and getting hooked on Android: Netrunner and Star Wars! Call of Cthulhu looks awesome and I am also excited to see an active group in Portland (and at Guardian Games no less!). I will try to make it out to a monthly!