Question for users of Strange Eons on Mac OS X

By Thelric, in Fan Creations

My testing of Strange Eons 3 indicates that, like the Windows version (though not as bad), it is much more stable on Java 7 than Java 6. * On the plus side, it also indicates that a long-standing issue with SE on Macs has finally been resolved (the "OS X font bug" that prevents you from being able to properly style typefaces loaded from plug-ins).

Strange Eons currently requires Java 6 or newer, in large part to allow it to run on older Macs. For the above (and other) reasons, I am strongly considering making SE3 require Java 7+. (Indeed, I may not have a choice in the end.)

So here is the question: Java 7 requires OS X 10.7.3 (Lion) or newer. Would that requirement pose a serious hardship for current Mac-based users of Strange Eons?

* Additional background: Where Sun's policy was to continue fixing bugs in older versions of Java for a lengthy period, Oracle's new policy (as I understand it) is to basically abandon older versions other than providing security fixes for a few months. This wouldn't be a problem, except that there were serious bugs introduced in the last few versions of Java 6 that directly affect Strange Eons. How serious? Imagine you are merrily typing along after a few hours of metagaming when, without any warning, *blip* the Strange Eons window disappears and all your unsaved work is gone. So, pretty serious. And given Oracle's policy, unlikely to be fixed.

I am leaning strongly towards moving to Java 7 and thus requiring OS X 10.7.3+. Last chance to voice any objections!