FAQ clarification - voluntary surrender

By b0n3r, in Twilight Imperium 3rd Edition

I'm playing a game on Vassal, where for the purposes of an objective myself and another player have been trading planets this round. It is in both our interests for one of the tactical actions to involve a "surrender".

From the FAQ: (page 4)

" Q: Can you voluntarily reduce number of rolled dices in space

battle, bombardment, PDS fire etc?
A: No. You must either roll all of the dice or none of them."

This is confusing me now, I always read this as a person always has the choice to roll no combat dice, effectively surrendering. Problem is some others disagree, can anyone help clear this up?

You can only choose whether you want to shoot with your pds or not, all oder combat rols must take place

b0n3r said:

I'm playing a game on Vassal, where for the purposes of an objective myself and another player have been trading planets this round. It is in both our interests for one of the tactical actions to involve a "surrender".

From the FAQ: (page 4)

" Q: Can you voluntarily reduce number of rolled dices in space

battle, bombardment, PDS fire etc?
A: No. You must either roll all of the dice or none of them."

This is confusing me now, I always read this as a person always has the choice to roll no combat dice, effectively surrendering. Problem is some others disagree, can anyone help clear this up?

FAQ (page 4)

Q: Can you voluntarily reduce number of rolled dice in space
battle, invasion combat, bombardment, or PDS fire?
A: No. You must roll all of the dice. Keep in mind that PDS
fire is optional.

Yeah, looks like the FAQ version I quoted was just worded a tad confusingly, I always read it as "all or nothing" but that's exclusive to PDS it seems.