Starting to sculpt the Eagle King

By Zozimusque Romanus, in Talisman Home Brews

I had fun modifying and painting the Dude of Darkness, and I'd promised I'd get around to doing the Eagle King soon. But I am slow. Very slow. And quite busy. Nevertheless, I've begun. First, I started with this figure, from Privateer: tharn_ravager_chieftan.jpg

Then I got out the tools and started cutting, and the Green Stuff, and started resculpting. Conclusion: Sculpting in Green Stuff is incredibly difficult. Honestly, I don't know how anybody does it. I think I need lessons or something. Anyway, I gave him an arm band, resculpted his face to make him look less bestial, worked on Arnkell, and his weapons and amulet. Still a WIP (really just begun) but I thought I'd post this stuff in case anyone thought I'd forgotten about him. :) DSC03400.JPG DSC03397.JPG DSC03391.JPG

The cloak of feathers is a bit of a pain so far, but I'll get there! I've got a giant eagle on order that he can ride later on, when he's assembled. I'm painting a bunch of big projects right now, so it might take some time before I get to him, but that's it so far! Cheers.