Allie Cobra

By favre, in Dust Tactics


I'm new in Dust world and new in minis world (in general), i've bought an allies walker (Cobra), i know the question could be really stupid but… have i to assembly with glue or my copy has some problem? i'm really sorry for the question or if it is the wrong section of the forum

please, help me

however thanks to all, who will respond

Best ragards

I don't own that walker myself but most of the parts to the tanks and walkers can be assembled with little or no glue. I found I needed to use some glue on machine guns and such to get them to stay at all. If you do need to use glue make sure you just use very little of super glue. Make sure you don't use glue on parts that can be swapped out for other variants so you have more versitality in making army lists.

Yeah, try not to glue anything if at all possible. My buddy doesn't have the Cobra, so I'm not sure how it comes out of the package, but from everything I've seen and used, nothing needs to be glued.

really, really thanks! i'll try to assembly every part without glue

You will need to use glue or magnets to attach the pontoons. for the base its probably best to glue it in some way.

Dakkon426 said:

You will need to use glue or magnets to attach the pontoons. for the base its probably best to glue it in some way.

i imagined to make this dangerous operation! thanks for your help!

Honestly I just put the new turrets on the old, squating pose legs, the running pose is to hard to transport.

I glued mine. It is the only model from DT that I have done this to so far.

roler12345 said:

I glued mine. It is the only model from DT that I have done this to so far.

ok! i don't like to use glue! so i can continue to buy dust tactics beacuse of the unique model needed glue is in my collection now!

thanks everyone answered me!