threat below 0?

By Vyron2, in Rules questions & answers

Hey guys,

maybe this question was already asked? But, can your threat level ever go below 0? Asking, esp for shadow and flame, where you start with 0 threat - if you manage to lower your threat even lower during the first turn and maintain it in the negative numbers, then the balrog would never attack you, right??? assuming you can… then you'd have to raise it intentionally by not questing to be able to "fight" him later???

thanks guys!


As far as I know (I've asked the same thing a month ago or so) there isn't any official rule on the matter. I personally allow it on my games but there are a lot of guys here that disagree. On these type of games if something isn't against the rules I don't see why not allow it…


No, I think cannot have negative threat.

Never got an official answer as of my knowledge, but was the general consensus on the forum when this kind of question poped out.

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given that you can do so many things, which are not explicitly in the rulebook… you can put infinite quest tokens on a stage card… or location for that matter, and draw as many cards as you like and hold as many cards as you like… you know, given the new scoring system and what not, I though it would be able…

it does make things more difficult for my deck, but not impossible… I just have to keep then my threat around zero a couple of turns, until I have enough cannonfodder :D

ok, gonna try out again with this deck… :)


Vyron said:

given that you can do so many things, which are not explicitly in the rulebook… you can put infinite quest tokens on a stage card… or location for that matter , and draw as many cards as you like and hold as many cards as you like… you know, given the new scoring system and what not, I though it would be able…

it does make things more difficult for my deck, but not impossible… I just have to keep then my threat around zero a couple of turns, until I have enough cannonfodder :D

ok, gonna try out again with this deck… :)


The part in bold is not entirelly true, since when a quest card or a location has as many progress tokens on it as the progress required to complete it, it is considered explored and goes away, unless in quest cards there are other cumulative consitions to pass it….

CJMatos said:

The part in bold is not entirelly true, since when a quest card or a location has as many progress tokens on it as the progress required to complete it, it is considered explored and goes away, unless in quest cards there are other cumulative consitions to pass it….

The bolded part -- I think that's what he was getting at. You could put 10,000 tokens on 1B of Journey Down the Anduin in you can keep the Troll and your heroes alive, and maintain threat below 50.

Some of these things do have official responses (like progress tokens beyond X on a quest card -- addressed in the official FAQ, "A: Yes. There is no upper limit to how many progress tokens may be placed on a quest." (pg 8)

The manual talks about hero/ally stats below zero and forbids it: "If one of a hero’s, ally’s, enemy’s, or location’s statistics is ever lower than 0 after all effects are applied, that statistic is rounded up to 0. Any time a new effect is applied to a card, the net sum of all active effects should be recalculated." (pg 25) This doesn't directly say anything about the threat tracker, but I'm comfortable applying it to player threat as well. And, as others have pointed out, the threat tracker itself can't display negative numbers… that doesn't seem like an oversight.

There can be threat, higher threat and absolte no threat (0)

And you cannot count negative threat on the threat dial…..

As far as I care "general concensus" doesn't mean anything if there isn't an "official answer". As someone mentioned you can do so much that's not in the rulebook that I don't see why this can't be done…

muemakan said:

There can be threat, higher threat and absolte no threat (0)

And you cannot count negative threat on the threat dial…..

You cannot count more than 40 lifes on Magic The Gathering counters and that doesn't mean you can't have 125…

As far as I know "threat" is basically a representation of "how much is Sauron looking for you". 50 points means he finds you and game over, 0 means he didn't begin to track you and less than 0 means that he doesn't even know about you…

I mean the "threat dial" argument isn't really a strong one… only an indicator - I mean, even these guys cannot fathom everything and are not as long in this particular game as WotC for MtG… they really have a great R&D department, money grab aside… but here, this game is basically in the "beta" or "Revised" stadium!!! idk… and in the core set, it would really have been difficult to get your threat below 0, though possible through extreme-turtling, sneak attack gandalf and other threat reduction… but specifically for the balrog scenario and with elrond's counsel, there is a possibility!

also, you can place an infinite amount of quest tokens on a stage card if it has other requirements (yes, I was getting at journey down the anduin), so it is not limited to the amount of progress tokens given to us by ffg in one or two core sets :DDDD also, you can have more resources than the amount of given resource tokens :D

I was just asking, but we really need an official ruling… this only matters for the shadow and flame scenario and mostly for one player who is the "sneaky" guy, but you know, maybe for ultra-secrecy decks, too?!?

I am happy, if FFG rules the threat limits to 0-50…. but also, you CAN think about negative threat….

ah, well, thanks for the discussion guys!!! you always are of great help…