Is a living card game collectible?

By Luftwaffe Flak, in Call of Cthulhu LCG

'Scuse the noob question Im assuming its not? Does this mean one can build their deck right out of one box in this game? TIA

Hi ^^

The LCG format, consists in one core set, all set up to open the box and play, and monthly small card packs. With the same cards in every pack.

So, it's collectible because you have to buy monthly one pack to have all the new cards. But it's no collectible like other card games because you don't have to change or buy spare cards (or boxes, boosters...) to get all the collection cards.

I hope it answer your question ^^

Peibolvig said:

Hi ^^

The LCG format, consists in one core set, all set up to open the box and play, and monthly small card packs. With the same cards in every pack.

So, it's collectible because you have to buy monthly one pack to have all the new cards. But it's no collectible like other card games because you don't have to change or buy spare cards (or boxes, boosters...) to get all the collection cards.

I hope it answer your question ^^

Perfect Peibolvig! I appreciate you explaining that! I was clueless when it came to that LOL.

So, this is a bit like every other FFG game with the expansions being monthly and not so pricey?

Mike said:

So, this is a bit like every other FFG game with the expansions being monthly and not so pricey?

yes, it's almost an accurate description. But If you want three copies of all cards,you need to buy 3 expansions monthly. said:

Mike said:

So, this is a bit like every other FFG game with the expansions being monthly and not so pricey?

yes, it's almost an accurate description. But If you want three copies of all cards,you need to buy 3 expansions monthly.

Still, that's only 30 €uros or dollars per month. You can't get full sets with prices like that in CCGs.

Oh, I didn't know that, I'll try to get my hands upon a starter deck soon. I like the concept. And I corazon.gif Cthulhu.

All of the expansions are still in print?

Ok, I undertood what is LCG, but why FFG sells Legacy Products (Forgotten Cities Booster, Eldritch Edition Premium Starter, Masks of Nyarlathotep Booster, Eldritch Edition Booster, Eldritch Edition Starter, CoC Card Coffin, Forbidden Relics Booster, Unspeakable Tales Booster, Arkham Edition Starter) as booster and deck, if they should be LCG? serio.gif To me this is a explicity CCG, like Magic, Warlord and others. Just once part of collection is LCG (Call of Cthulhu Core Set, CoC: Asylum Packs, CoC: Summons from the Deep). Someone would like to explain?

I'm not sure why they would still sell the old stuff, though I think that I read somewhere (before the site change, methinks) that starting with a certain product (forget which) the card backs and borders would change, so there's a clearer division. Fortunately, I didn't happen to find out about the game until after the LCG transition announcement, so I'm just waiting around for them to get that new starter whatsits out.

However, this new format does sound good. The reason that I got out of CCGs/TCGs was that they would break the bank if I wanted to stay competitive. Of course, of all the things, I'd think that the game themed around cosmic horror would be the one to stick with the CCG format. lengua.gif

Arborshate said:

starting with a certain product (forget which) the card backs and borders would change

So does that mean the new Starter Set will not be compatible with the rest of the cards? Should I wait until the new release?

I wouldn't have different card backs put you off. I know it didn't for the Legend of the Five Rings game!

BTW, Y'all do know the CoC card game is on sale as part of the FFG Holiday Sale?

OK guys here is the break down.

CoC used to be a CCG. Now it is a LCG.

The CCG cards are compatible with the LCG which is why they are still being sold. The backs are different to express a new direction the game is taking. If you really want to you can do like me and buy all of the older cards. If not, all you have to do is pick up asylum pack 5 and 6 and wait for Core to come out and play from that launch point. Every month will be a new asylum pack of 40 cards with 30 cards that are 3 offs and 10 cards that are one offs. So you have to buy 3 asylum pack to get 3 of every card.

Semi-Collectable if you wanna split hairs. But cheap enough to not break your wallet. An entire expansion for $30 compared to a booster box of CCG for about $120 and you are not guaranteed to get all the cards you need. Honestly the LCG format is the way to go.

Thanks for starting this thread. It was a point of confusion for me as well.

The LCG format sounds great to me. I played MtG for a number of years and it really got expensive. I had to get out of it. I've avoided other card games like it to avoid that happening again.

One concern I still have, though, is if the power creep will still be present in this format? I found in CCGs that if one player had the latest cards while another did not there was a pretty dramatic power imbalance. Will LCGs ramp up the same way?

Your concern is valid. the only thing that will make the game unbalanced is if one person has bought all the new asylum packs and say you did not. The person that has bought all 3 packs is going to have a larger Cardpool to draw from so yes he will have an advantage. However since each asylum pack ius only 10 bucks you would be able to catch up to him quickly and have the EXACT same cardpool.

With everyone having the exact same cards it comes down to tallent and creativity. Virtualy no rare chasing. Yes, you have to buy all 3 asylum packs to get all 3 rares but they are guaranteed in every pack since all packs are 40 cards fixed. 30$ and you have a complete playset of all the cards you need for that set.

IMO you can't go wrong with CoC.

i love Cthulu as well, and this game sure does look intriguing to me.

Dwnhmcntryboy said:

OK guys here is the break down.

CoC used to be a CCG. Now it is a LCG.

The CCG cards are compatible with the LCG which is why they are still being sold. The backs are different to express a new direction the game is taking. If you really want to you can do like me and buy all of the older cards. If not, all you have to do is pick up asylum pack 5 and 6 and wait for Core to come out and play from that launch point. Every month will be a new asylum pack of 40 cards with 30 cards that are 3 offs and 10 cards that are one offs. So you have to buy 3 asylum pack to get 3 of every card.

Semi-Collectable if you wanna split hairs. But cheap enough to not break your wallet. An entire expansion for $30 compared to a booster box of CCG for about $120 and you are not guaranteed to get all the cards you need. Honestly the LCG format is the way to go.

So, asylum packs 5 and 6 are new-style cards? Of course, I don't feel like buying them until I get the core set.

Also, I'll probably not have to worry about competitive recentness, since I'll probably have to maintain 2+ decks and wait for one of my friends to get bored with Arkham Horror and Munchkin Cthulhu.

You are correct. Pack 5&6 are for the new LCG era of Cthulhu.

Luftwaffe Flak said:

'Scuse the noob question Im assuming its not? Does this mean one can build their deck right out of one box in this game? TIA

You are correct. You shoul dbe able to build your deck right out of the Core box.

Sure, a tournament will come that allows only the Core and perhaps new-back AP cards (or AP Seven and up. Who knows). And yes, you are guaranteed all those cards with purchase. Differentiated from CCG by white borders and a new back, the new cards are nevertheless a sharp minority of the collection. In answer to the collectibiltiy question - of course the game is collectible! There are now 1,347 playable cards. Forty are new look LCG (AP 5 and 6) - fixed. Eighty more comprise the remaining four previous APs - fixed. Twenty are premium (AP and EP) and thus also not inserted, but fixed (not actually fixed by definition, but same difference). So if you want the whole set, you are still busting open packs to get the 1,207 that aren't fixed ( number includes 27 promos, seven yithians - which are found otherwise). By busting packs of course I mean, and all the other myriad ways one COLLECTS CCGs. 29 AE premiums and 84 EE premiums (besides their collectors info) are duplicates from their respective blocks. So, without the duplicates, there are 1,234 playable cards out (including AP 6 Ancient Horrors). How's my math? I'd be amazed if it was exactly correct.

Two of the promos are story cards, so less the playable card number by 2.

Another dunb question preocupado.gif I've stayed awat from CCG for years,since the old Chaosim Mythos days,

as the random collectable money pit got to much.

I just have 1 other person intrested so if we both only got 1 pack as they are released

we would be even.So buying 3 decks to get 3 of each card would not be necessary or

does having 3 of each card have some other effect on the game,besides just giving you a

deeper draw pool?


Another question to throw out there. Are multiples of the same rare allowed. So if I wanted 3 of the same rare would I therefore have to buy 3 of the pre-set expansions?

Now for a comment instead of a question! lengua.gif I really like this idea as collectible anything in a game format sits poorly with me. I did sample and enjoy the game mechanics of this particular CCG, its just not a format I would keep up with. This sounds like a great way to handle a game like this.

Old Dwarf said:

Another dunb question preocupado.gif I've stayed awat from CCG for years,since the old Chaosim Mythos days, as the random collectable money pit got to much. I just have 1 other person intrested so if we both only got 1 pack as they are released we would be even.So buying 3 decks to get 3 of each card would not be necessary or does having 3 of each card have some other effect on the game,besides just giving you a deeper draw pool?OD

3 sets gives you more chance to draw the rare card from your deck. So no other advantage than a deeper card draw.

vhast said:

Another question to throw out there. Are multiples of the same rare allowed. So if I wanted 3 of the same rare would I therefore have to buy 3 of the pre-set expansions.

3 rares are allowed so yes you would have to buy 3 expansions.

Thanks for the Info.I may get into this one then(Lovecraft Junkie that I am)