The Finale for the Master of Shadows campaign (LF)

By doc_cthulhu, in Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay

I just started writing the finale. Now I'm not saying it will be finished any time soon (as I also have something a bit different on my plate currently) but I am saying it is coming.

FFG might be hiding the facts about what is to come so I hope this counts as good news. The current process of LFX is somewhat in hiatus (if you would like to help us we welcome you with open arms) so it might be possible that this will be published as a separate/additional adventure. Who knows?

Any of you who have played, GMed or read through Wanted ( LF8 ) and Hand of Glory ( LF9 ) post your comments here, at StS or send them to me at I'd be glad to get some pointers of what you think will be happening in the finale.

A disclaimer though - I've not played WFRP since last summer so I do not own Hero's Call or the Enemy Within. Any additional rules provided in them are out of the window. Unless you can convince me to buy them.

Good games for everyone!

I'd like to see a Nemsis sheet (or sheets) for these scenarios if that helps :)


I was planing to include one, yes. Possibly one that could be used from the start of the first scenario.

Problem is that it uses rules that are not part of the core book. This means that it will be an additional resource not elemental for the scenario as I do not want to reproduce the rules of using the sheets.

If you or anyone has the Nemesis sheets I think that the Criminal Empire (if I recall the name right) should be most relevant from the excisting sheets.

I would like to see the Master of Shadow's organisation detailed, to the extent that it could be used outside the campaign even.

Not a bad idea. Though I think it would be bigger product. Something relatively small (sheet + a double page) could propably be doable. At this point I'm more interested in writing the scenario though.

Hi Doc,

I can certainly knock up a Nemesis sheet for the Master of Shadows.

All the best,


Great news!

If you (or anyone for that matter) would be interested in statting the NPCs (preferably for 2nd and 3rd edition) let me know.

Shouldn't be too much of a problem!

Sorry for resurrecting this ancient thread, but has the finale been written? I've just come across this recently, and am thinking of running it - it would be nice to have the finale!

Oh man... My darkest secret revealed yet again...


I'm sorry to say this, but I haven't found the time and inspiration to write it. At some point I had quite a lot written for it but the my computer broke down and I changed from PC to Mac. I still might have some files on the old hard drives and could quite easily write a short summary of the story as it was supposed to be.

Main reasons for not finishing it lie in the fact that I haven't played WFRP in a few years. The second part of the campaign was quite big effort and turning the first part into a complete scenario was even bigger.

Hey, no worries! I'm actually not playing WFRP either, but the new (and awesome) Shadow of the Demon Lord. It's easy to convert WFRP to it, so a short plot summary is all I'd be interested in anyway. :-) If you get the inclination to put this to rest, why not post the summary here, to bring some closure to the tale?

If not, I understand, and please don't feel any pressure from me, I could reasonably easily improv the finale, it would just be interesting to see how you planned for it to end.