First of all ello new tide of iron gamer here
Okay so me and a few mates have tried the game a couple of times and we always end up arguing about line of sight… Because we all interpreted the rule otherwise… Ending up stretching the length of the game by hours… and even a few times not even being able to end it… (seriously from 18.30 till 3.30)
This might sound stupid and be straight foward for alot of people but we don't seem to come to an agreement. Some suggest taking a piece of cord and draw a line from one hex to the other hex (from the middlepoint) and if there is any blocking terrain in the way you can't see it.
I just draw a straight line from one of the points of the hex to the other hex and look for the first blocking terrain hex you come across and then measure it from there…
The rules in the book don't really clear it up
and the pictures only make it more confusing for us
Now if someone could be so nice and tell us a good way to draw line of sight and try to explain it as clear as possible so we can settle this pretty important rule and get on with the game! which is very good i think!