New Fighters/Licenses

By Morning Demon, in UFS Off Topic

So with the summer time of releases starting up right now. What if anything people would like to see added up to the UFS license.

I know this is a wellworn topic but it's good to take a new look at it and keep it fresh.

BlazBlue: Looks gorgeous and it's an upcomming fighter from the makers of Guilty Gear. Here's to hoping no more super ambigously dressed characters or any built in traps.

A BioShock set would be cool but then again I just am still in love with how polished that game is.

Well we know PA battle box will be out at gencon and set 13 will have tekken.

Morning Demon said:

BlazBlue: Looks gorgeous and it's an upcomming fighter from the makers of Guilty Gear. Here's to hoping no more super ambigously dressed characters or any built in traps.

Isn't Arc System Works against CCGs? Although I'd snap that up in an instant. I noticed they added one single point to Tager's command grab that makes him 1000x better than Potemkin so I'm now interested.

I may be the only one for this one, but I'd like to see Last Blade or the rest of the SS characters... I'd like to see Moriya, Kaede or Shiki in UFS. Heck, Cham Cham could probably get me a couple new players just by herself...

ShadowDragon said:

I may be the only one for this one, but I'd like to see Last Blade or the rest of the SS characters... I'd like to see Moriya, Kaede or Shiki in UFS. Heck, Cham Cham could probably get me a couple new players just by herself...

Rest of the SS characters I'd agree with. Last Blade really didn't capture my interest so...

*looks around nervously* Arcana Hearts.

Also Guilty Gear, Blaz Blue, the rest of the SS cast, Final Fight, and DOA

With KoF XII coming out in July, I am hoping they rework some things with SNK to acquire it. Plus, I'd like to see the other 20+ Samurai Showdown characters... and I gotta agree with Last Blade, it is a great figthing game.

I love Last Blade. Hibiki is awesome.

Also you know you want to see Dan and Amano face off!

As for fighters... I hate Tekken... but if they make the panda character, well, I really have to make a deck for her on principle! Also, the game needs MOAR SAKURA.

I would love to see the rest of the SSV cast and then a new license for SS alone when SS Sen comes out, somehow, in america.
Castlevania Judgement would be badass because finally get to play as Alucard and/or the Belmonts, though Soma Cruz can take them down in a heartbeat (SOUL ABSORB!) too bad he wasn't in Judgement. T_T

DOA would be perfect, Guitly Gear should be in but with BlazBlue on the way it's controversial, The Last Blade would be cool (haven't played yet T_T) and all my roommates are saying "ADD VIRTUA FIGHTER!!!" which I will lightly agree with.

I almost forgot one of the greatest tag-team fighters from Capcom; Rival Schools: United by Fate

I know a good friend of mine is hoping for something based on Marvel vs Capcom. As for me personally, they've already got Soul Calibur and are getting Tekken, so not much else I really need to see.

Although, something based on Smash Bros. would be cool...

I still say ClayFighter. This game could use some more humor happy.gif

Gaius Marius said:

I still say ClayFighter. This game could use some more humor happy.gif


There's plenty of humor as is, you just have to look at it.

Homme Chapeau said:

Gaius Marius said:

I still say ClayFighter. This game could use some more humor happy.gif


There's plenty of humor as is, you just have to look at it.

Touche, however if Clay Fighter was in here the cards would probably have flavor text qouting the hilarious antics of Clay Fighter

knew_b33 said:

Homme Chapeau said:

Gaius Marius said:

I still say ClayFighter. This game could use some more humor happy.gif


There's plenty of humor as is, you just have to look at it.

Touche, however if Clay Fighter was in here the cards would probably have flavor text qouting the hilarious antics of Clay Fighter

Actually something the game is missing for style and form is still flavour text at all on any of the cards. It's the little things that help out like that.