
By Stag Lord, in 8. AGoT Off Topic

Glad you enjoyed it. I was saddened that is didn't do that well, because all of the local theater pulled it after two weeks, so I haven't had a chance to see it yet. And the IMAXes are showing Monsters vs. Aliens, so I might be out of luck there as well.

I recently picke dup Tales of the Black Freighter. That was okay, but the Under the Hood documentary was awesome!

My biggest problem with the movie was the characterization of Ozymandias/Veidt. I found him to be too detached and hard to warm up to. And to me, that was all wrong. In the comics, one of the biggest things about him was that he was likable, engaging and very much involved with the people around him (this really came across in the supplemental material, but it was certainly part of his dialogue, too.)

In the graphic novel, Veidt would never have needed to be so heavy-handed as to suggest to someone that he could buy and sell them several times over. His basic personality and likability would have convinced them long before it got to that point. It could simply be a product of the adaptation and the medium, but it was something that threw the story off-kilter to me.

I did think the movie was visually stunning. I liked the fact that so many shots were unapologetic duplicates of frames from the graphic novel.