Worth Getting a Game Master's Kit?

By El_Tonio, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

I agree, having the chief tables right in one shot is very helpful. Worth it imo.

The GM screen is a fantastic product. Well worth a purchase.

This is no exaggeration. After 29 years of running games, this is the most useful GM screen I have ever come across (and that is a fair few). All the most important info that needs to be referenced quickly in action scenes is on there.

It's just a shame that the system I least need to use a screen for has produced one of the best GM's quick-reference screens I have ever seen.

What would be great would be if they produced a range of screens. Specifically a personal combat and space/vehicle combat one. One quick change of a screen and *BAM!* I have all the info I need at my fingertips for that encounter.

So as the guy who just wrote the AOR GM Kit adventure and optional rules, my opinion is a bit biased, but I would say it is a must-buy.

it's helpful, but not vital. We've found it speeds things up.

I get a lot of value out of the screen itself. It is high quality material, looks pretty and has enough of the tables I need to keep from constantly flipping through the book. The booklet that came with the screen is very much "mileage may vary" and for me minimally useful material. For a new GM, the booklet contents seems just what they need. For a grizzled vet... negligible.

The AoR GM Kit on the other hand... the marketed contents of that booklet seem vastly more useful than what was in the Edge booklet. So I'll likely end up with a second FFG Star Wars GM screen just for the stuff in the AoR kit booklet.

I haven't seen what's new in the GM booklet compared to the Edge one, and I already have a GM screen from Edge...but I will buy this box simply for the adventure.

If there is cool new useful info in the GM booklet...bonus for me :D

Edited by Brother Bart

That's what I'm so digging about the AoR screen: FFG clearly knew that a new screen would be a hard sell, since we have every reason to believe that the interior side is going to be exactly like what we already have. So to pull us in, Mr. Kappel's given us not only an adventure, but also some optional rules that many people have been clamouring for.

It could be said that those rules should be in the AoR core book... but I'm quite happy to have an extra reason to feel good about buying a screen I know I would have bought anyway! :P

Yep, seems like a great idea to me. Sounds like they are optional rules anyway, and may not ever come up if you don't find yourself needing the scenarios they require, so I can see why they might have left them out of the AOR Core Rulebook.

Or it could simply be that the Core Rulebook has been locked down and these rules were conceived at a different time.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to it!