Worth Getting a Game Master's Kit?

By El_Tonio, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

I'm just not seeing it as being especially helpful (rarely have for other GM kits like this in the past, either). Just curious what folks think, espeically those who have experience with the Beta book. I preordered the book and a couple sets of dice, but am holding off on the GM kit (doesn't seem worth it right now, but I'm open to being persuaded). You can read more about it here if you are intersted:


It's hard to say based on the very limited information we have. I have a wait-and-see attitude.

I'm a sucker for nice-looking GM screens, so I'd be in either way. But I can say that with the size of the core book, I'd like to be flipping through it as little as possible during a game (I like my books to stay nice). So yeah, at $13, it's a must-buy for me.

I know I'll be able (just barely) to swing the cash for the hardcover. I don't know that I'll be able to afford the screen at the same time, but I do plan on acquiring it.

Doc, the Weasel said:

It's hard to say based on the very limited information we have. I have a wait-and-see attitude.

Pretty much this.

Right now, the information is pretty bare-bones. There's a GM Screen, there's advice on creating and running campaigns (probably additional info and more in-depth than what's going to be in the EotE corebook), and a free adventure.

I'd say that if someone is on the fence about buying this, wait until you start seeing forum posts or reviews about the GM Kit to see if it's worth the scratch to pick it up.

I'm the type that if I'm rabid over a game (like this one) I'm going to purchase anything available for it. I'm blessed with a stable, professional career so it's easy for me to decide to buy it all.

I can't make my own nice looking mood setting screen for my dice and notes. If the charts are not to my liking, I would still use the screen even if I'm covering my side with home brew cheat sheets.

Sturn said:

I'm the type that if I'm rabid over a game (like this one) I'm going to purchase anything available for it. I'm blessed with a stable, professional career so it's easy for me to decide to buy it all.

I can't make my own nice looking mood setting screen for my dice and notes. If the charts are not to my liking, I would still use the screen even if I'm covering my side with home brew cheat sheets.

Me too!

I would never run an RPG without a GM screen, so it's a must for me at least.

I'll probably get it - so I don't have to flip through the book. Although I do prefer the SE GM screen to the d6 one - not the art, the d6 has better art (Boba Fett!) - due to its height, it lower, and therefore better considering the height of my gaming table. It opens up more between me and my players than a full letter/a4 size. Although the relevant game info ready at hand is good enough reason for me to get a GM screen. Anything else is a pure bonus.

Jegergryte said:

I'll probably get it - so I don't have to flip through the book. Although I do prefer the SE GM screen to the d6 one - not the art, the d6 has better art (Boba Fett!) - due to its height, it lower, and therefore better considering the height of my gaming table. It opens up more between me and my players than a full letter/a4 size. Although the relevant game info ready at hand is good enough reason for me to get a GM screen. Anything else is a pure bonus.

I agree on the general quality of the SWSE GM Screen. I've pressed that into service for a number of different games over the years, and not just Star Wars. The fact that it's long and squat gives me more room to spread out adventure notes and NPC stats, which is always a plus in my book.

In recent years WotC has produced some amazing screens, largely because of the change to the shorter screen. This one looks like it is going to be full sized, which is too bad, but it will still be nice for the easy access game info, it saves me from having to juryrig my own at some point. Probably will save me the purchase price in time so I am cool with it.

As screens go, I wasn't impressed at all with the Warhammer 3ed screen. It spent a huge amount of real estate delivering basic information (like dice symbols), and spent little space on what I really need as a GM. I hope that this one is different.

I also hope it is landscape. I don't roll with portrait screens anymore; it's like GMing behind a wall.

i've preordered the kit as i'm interested in the additional book that is included. i stopped using screens. i prefer there to be no barrier between myself and the players. no hidden rolls, especially with narrative dice. if the screen has useful info on it that i can't retain in my head i tend to have it on a chair next to me for reference.

Does anyone here own a GM screen produced by FFG? Could be indiciative of quality we expect to see.


I have the ones produced for the 40k line. They tend to be of fairly nice manufacture. The art on the outer surface is the kind often found throughout the book/on the cover.

The tables are of varying usefulness. The 40k line isn't a great comparison though, as that system had about 8 pages of critical hit tables that were useful to have on hand, but impractical to have on a screen. In general it did have the "needed" values readily present. but as a system it didn't really require many tables actually on hand (it was just define a % modifier based on a few known guidelines and go).

From the beta rules for EotE, I'm quite confident that just having the Success/Advantage/Failure/Threat/Triumph/Despair tables on hand, plus a few tables regarding wounds, availability, ranges, etc. would be quite useful.

As far as shape, they do tend to be that of the book, the taller, 4 folding cardboard pages. Personally I do prefer the Saga Editions shorter but wider form factor, but I imagine there are plenty that disliked it.

The real value will be in the book packaged with it. Expect to see a decent module, as well as part of the book containing one of those fairly generic, but also useful, writeups on the types of themes and campaigns GMs can shoot for in this system.

Ever since Dark Heresy, these books have also been full color and generally pretty nice,

LethalDose said:

Does anyone here own a GM screen produced by FFG? Could be indiciative of quality we expect to see.


I posted my thoughts on the WFRP 3ed one above.

Doc, the Weasel said:

I also hope it is landscape. I don't roll with portrait screens anymore; it's like GMing behind a wall.

If this photo is to be taken as the final product, it isn't.

As much as I didn't like the art on the Saga screen, I agree that the landscape orientation was very good - more room for papers and books. Still, FFG makes such quality stuff, I'm expecting to be pleased with this screen…

If it's not chipboard like the WHFRP 3e screen it's no good :)

LethalDose said:

Does anyone here own a GM screen produced by FFG? Could be indiciative of quality we expect to see.


like doc weasel i have the WFRP3 screen which while sturdy was a complete waste of time, a lot of the information was the absolute basics that anyone should have in their head after 10 minutes of game time. the picture linked earlier on coolstuffinc does'n't bode well. the inside of the screen shows a list of descriptions about the faces of the dice, which will be locked in the brain of everyone at the table within a few rolls.

New Zombie said:

the picture linked earlier on coolstuffinc does'n't bode well. the inside of the screen shows a list of descriptions about the faces of the dice, which will be locked in the brain of everyone at the table within a few rolls.

I agree, this is what made me think it might not be very useful in terms of data provided. I think I'll wait to see one before I get one (don't see doing so at this time, but maybe they'll surprose me).

LethalDose said:

Does anyone here own a GM screen produced by FFG? Could be indiciative of quality we expect to see.


I do, for Dark Heresy, Rogue Trader, Black Crusade and Only War. They have all, generally, been of exceptional quality, and have survived the years (in the case of the DH and RT ones) of GMing I've subjected them too.

If you're worried about how sturdy and long living they'll be, I'd stop worrying, since they're very well made.

Of course, I dunno what the information on them will be, but I know the 40k ones were really good with that, too, especially the Only War one.

LethalDose said:

Does anyone here own a GM screen produced by FFG? Could be indiciative of quality we expect to see.


I have all the 40K ones, and they are outstanding!

I would imagine the dice will be included on this one, like the Warhammer 3rd, as they are similar games (due to the dice).

$hamrock said:

I would imagine the dice will be included on this one, like the Warhammer 3rd, as they are similar games (due to the dice).

The dice being included in the GM Kit? Not according to the product page.

LethalDose said:

Does anyone here own a GM screen produced by FFG? Could be indiciative of quality we expect to see.


I've got the RT one, BTW. My DH one is the BL version - 5mm fiberboard.

I don't like flipping through pages. And B. The adventure included is outstanding.