Widow in the den of the dragon

By ZiM946, in 4. AGoT Deck Construction

Give me some ideas here- running a new deck and would like some pointers on how best to make it work and how to play it:

3x Den of the Wolf

2x Widow's Watch

3x Balerio

3x Danaerys Targaryen- QOD

QOD- Drogon, Viserion, Rhaegal

2x Young Grif

some Maesters for only Dragon Lore and Copper Link

At night they howl

Fighting Pit

I want to be last player in a melee round- use my stand tactics to help if I HAD to defend in the round and then initiate attacks with my dragons- 3 UO then use the Den of the Wolf and challenge again while they are all knelt out. I didn't have room to put in Make an Example and if this looks like a good enough idea- I will post the entire deck. This could be a game ender if used properly and not much anyone can do to stop it. I am using the event card that kneels a Maester to force new plot so I can protect against Valar.

What do you think about Den of the Wolf in targ?

Initial thoughts…
Den of the Wolf is Limit Once per Game, so while running 3x means you have a better chance of drawing into it, it does mean 2 "dead" cards in your deck.
QoD Daeny is going to be a target; although Dragon decks can be strong in melee, she's going to draw hate from every opponent; Balerion isnt going to make you any friends either, and with 4 players who could have Response cancels you can't really count on him to trigger. Your Den may also draw hate just for looking suspicious.
If you plan to be the last player then you need to ensure that you win Initiative so include some high claim Plots, but probably not Take Them by Surprise since Ahead of the Tide will ruin your day; Retaliation would be a good choice.

ZiM946 said:

I am using the event card that kneels a Maester to force new plot so I can protect against Valar.

Not sure what you mean by this; by the time you would get a chance to use Citadel Law, the effects of Valar have already happened and everything is moribund - making them flip a new Plot won't change a thing as far as saving your guys goes. You could use it pre-plot to S&D someone back to your hand or something if you are worried about a potential Valar…

Good Luck with the deck!

Well, I am happy I started this. I can now take out citadel law as it will do me no good if I don't know the rules! Ha! Newer player here and I really appreciate the help. I think throwing in some citadel customs will be better anyways. Maybe I'll drop to two dens and two watches giving me another open slot as well…

Can you see this working?