Five campaing exapansions already. War between the 3 factions is pretty intense. But I have a feeling that things will be ever more intense in 2013. The aliens are comimg! Or not?
Will we see the Vril in 2013?
I think they will bring out a new team this year and I hope it is the Vril. Some people are saying it will be Japan but i guess we'll have to wait and see. If they are going to release the next team in the next campagin we will probably hear about it closer Icarus .
Yeah, Zverograd either came out in the 2nd or 3rd quarter. So, if they were to do something similar this year with either Vrill or Japanese (hopefully Vrill), I would say mid to late summer.
I think Japan is next. If you look on Paolo Parente's web sight they already have some Japan faction tanks up there. Vrill I think will be next year.
I'm still saying Vrill, because the fluff does not support Japan as a seperate faction, they are part of the Axis, the same way the Chinese are part of the SSU, and the French and British are part of the Allies.
Also one shold note that the Japanese tank on the Dust Studio site actually pre-dates the release of Dust Tactics. Much like the KV-47 which came before pretty much everything. Almost everything that is avaiable in the Dust 35 range is pre-DT, and was available in the Japanese hobby market for quite a while, so I'm not sure it's a good measure of what's coming next.
But that's just my opinion and logic I can always be wrong, heck we may all be wrong. Maybe the next faction will be Italy, The Neutral Nations Org, Mercaneries, or the Cogs… oh wait wrong game same designer. : )
Miah999 said:
I'm still saying Vrill, because the fluff does not support Japan as a seperate faction, they are part of the Axis, the same way the Chinese are part of the SSU, and the French and British are part of the Allies.
Also one shold note that the Japanese tank on the Dust Studio site actually pre-dates the release of Dust Tactics. Much like the KV-47 which came before pretty much everything. Almost everything that is avaiable in the Dust 35 range is pre-DT, and was available in the Japanese hobby market for quite a while, so I'm not sure it's a good measure of what's coming next.
But that's just my opinion and logic I can always be wrong, heck we may all be wrong. Maybe the next faction will be Italy, The Neutral Nations Org, Mercaneries, or the Cogs… oh wait wrong game same designer. : )
Please no Cogs !!!
Miah999 said:
I'm still saying Vrill, because the fluff does not support Japan as a seperate faction, they are part of the Axis, the same way the Chinese are part of the SSU, and the French and British are part of the Allies.
But that's just my opinion and logic I can always be wrong, heck we may all be wrong. Maybe the next faction will be Italy, The Neutral Nations Org, Mercaneries, or the Cogs… oh wait wrong game same designer. : )
I'm guessing the Vrill as well, it just makes the most sense that they'd release them sooner rather than later. They have the major superpowers established now, its time for the Vrill to make their appearance. I can't wait to see how "different" they design them. Will they have traditional walkers like the current armies, or will they have some strange alternative vehicles with different abilities? I may be getting ahead of myself, but what about some faster, lightly armored vehicles? Armor 2, movement 2, agile, with a couple of different weapons? Sorry, my mind just started rambling.
On that note, I'd love to see some new "human" factions arise. What about an Africana army where they discover some VK and join in the fight? They may not have access to the greatest technology, but they'd win through attrition and other means. A lot of different armor 1 infantry, light vehicles and walkers, could be fun! Another idea was a South American coalition army. Different types of guerilla fighters, etc. I dunno, just throwing ideas around.
I thought the next box set was operation TITAN, which is the Axis invade north america, so I figured it going to be a neutral army list.
sorry thats operation Trident, not titan.
Thats also a Fan made expansion so don't expect it to be the next boxset.
Well the Vrill will at last move the time-line foward a bit couse for the last 2 years we are stuck in 1947:P
I'm guessing we will see Japan as a new faction and then a new core set SSU-Japan.
That would be nice to have another core set with SSU and Japan! What I dont understand is why would they make different subfactions for major super powers? I mean, how would it change the game as far as what is alloed in an army list? Would the subfactions be able to coenheretly be able to fight in one army, or will it only be allowed to have the subfactions into their own units. And will those subfactions be considered enemies or what? How would the platoons work for subfactions then with the Super powers as a whole?
On a side note… I cant wait for the Vrill to come out! How cool would it be for another alien faction to join the fight after the Vrill as if the Vrill was already at war before showing themselves on Earth? Random thoughts as well.
Tristan617 said:
That would be nice to have another core set with SSU and Japan! What I dont understand is why would they make different subfactions for major super powers? I mean, how would it change the game as far as what is alloed in an army list? Would the subfactions be able to coenheretly be able to fight in one army, or will it only be allowed to have the subfactions into their own units. And will those subfactions be considered enemies or what? How would the platoons work for subfactions then with the Super powers as a whole?
On a side note… I cant wait for the Vrill to come out! How cool would it be for another alien faction to join the fight after the Vrill as if the Vrill was already at war before showing themselves on Earth? Random thoughts as well.
japan could easily be their own thing, regardless of being part of the Axis. Germany and Japan basically did their own thing anyway during WWII, don't see why this timeline would be much different. One of the Dust art books has a Japanese walker/suit that is very un-axis in design, though the Ryu and Wotan are pretty much the same walker.
My thought is that next we will see Japan, it may be part of the Axis, but I see it more like USSR was in WWII they were part of the the alies but they did there own thing, they did use some equipment that was given to them but also made there own, more so than the UK. I am thinking that the Vrill will be next year, but only time will tell.
I'm actually pretty happy with the three factions we have now, and I prefer things to be "WW2 with a (small) twist" rather than gonzo sci-fi, so they can delay releasing the Vril forever, as far as I am concerned.
haha…. I have mixed feelings in that regard. I guess it really all depends on how the Vril look etc… Regardless it will happen some day….
Kriegschatten said:
I'm actually pretty happy with the three factions we have now, and I prefer things to be "WW2 with a (small) twist" rather than gonzo sci-fi, so they can delay releasing the Vril forever, as far as I am concerned.
Yeah, I have mixed feelings about that too. The Vrill are obviously an important part of the game fluff, but I don't want it to get too sci-fi either. Maybe we can delay the Vrill a while and pick up another real-world faction.
I'd like to see the Japanese show up and get some more French and Chinese troops. Maybe they could take these groups and do something similar to the sectorial armies in infinity. An SSU vs Axis core set with more Chinese troops and the Japanese would just be awesome!
look on page 23 of the new rulebook some info on upcomming operations
InsaneInsanity said:
look on page 23 of the new rulebook some info on upcomming operations
thats not the new rulebook, that's the initial rulebook. Originally printed by AEG and had what their release schedule was going to be. FFG acquired the distribution rights from AEG, and have since changed that whole release obviously, but that still stands that Vrill were always going to be in the picture from the beginning.
Well, we know for sure there will be a 4th army soon. I REALY hope it's gonna be the vrill, since I own axis and my best friend doesn't like the Allies/SSU. He is waiting for the vrill to jump into the game. I bet taht many ppl are. The vrill will be a HUGE commercial succes for FFG and Dust.
The Japanese could be used as a faction or just extra models for the Axis. They are the one nation that could stand toe to toe with any other nation. If they did do japanese models I am thinking some mutant/radioavtive infantry.
roler12345 said:
The Japanese could be used as a faction or just extra models for the Axis. They are the one nation that could stand toe to toe with any other nation. If they did do japanese models I am thinking some mutant/radioavtive infantry.
Realy like the idea!
They got the bomb dropped on them right? SO I am sure there are alot of 4 armed japanese running around needing some guns and katanas!
It won't be the Vrill.