Question about Sardakk flagship

By Helspanth, in Twilight Imperium 3rd Edition


this is my first entry in this forum, although i'm visiting it for some years now. So at first i just want to thank all of you sedulous writers and authors for many entertaining hours of reading your ideas, clarifications and exchange of game experiences! I've enjoyed it very much and found many interesting and helpful things and thoughts!

This has got to be said.

But now to the topic: I've a simple question about the Sardakk flagship stats. Does the combat value of the C'Morran Norr already include the bonuses for space combat rolls a) from the special ability of the race and b) from her own special ability, or do i have to add those or only one of them? So does it hit on the printed value of 5(x3) or like a (non-Sardakk) War Sun on a 3(x3)?

The rules state that flagships "follow all normal rules for […] all cards and abilities that affect ships." But also, that "each flagship has its own[…] combat value…"

i would say both bonuses have to be added, but then the C'Morran Norr is a very strong flagship especially due to her already strong special ability.

Any thoughts?

Yep, you add both bonuses.

The text saying "All flagships have their own values…" is there to clarify that every flagship is different, that there is no standard "flagship" statline. If you notice, on the N'orr race sheet, all the ships have the same attack values as all other races, despite the fact that their bonus affects all ships.

Bottom line, since flagships are affected by all cards and affects that apply to any ships, the flagship is thus subject to both the racial +1 as well as the +1 that it gives itself.

Now, if you really want my thoughts on scary…no, it doesn't hit like a warsun. The N'orr war suns are even scarrier. A N'orr warsun with that flagship in the fleet hits on 1's. That is to say, it autohits.

So I got that right. I think I was mostly confused by the flagship card itself. Don't knowing if FFG already add the flagship ability into the combat value, cause the flagship will always be in the same system as the space battle it is affecting. Ok then, nice ship!

And by the way. I noticed the "deadly" combination with a War Sun and her "autohitting" abilty. That's why I was referring to a "(non-Sardakk) War Sun". Scary indeed!

Thanks for helping!

Just to also say that it does get both bonuses.

In fact no ability (apart from L1z1x dreads I think) changes the to hit numbers of any unit. They always just add or subtract numbers from the die rolled, so no numbers printed on Sardak/Jol-Nar would count their racial abilities.

Also welcome to the boards and enjoy an awesome game!
