Star Wars Graphics for maps and visual aids

By farseer, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

I am looking for a resource of "clip art" i can use to make visual aids and mini maps to run my games.

The old WOTC minis game had some nice maps and I know there was a comprehensive set of fan made stuff out there. Now i know the game does not need or cater to using maps, but I would like to present some visual aids on a normal sized 8.5x11 sheet so my players can better understand some of the enviroments they are travelling to.

Anyone have any ideas? I would love to get some of the art used in the maps (both WOTC and fanmade). Im talking about flooring, generators, crates, control panels, cantina floorplans, etc.

thanks for any help!

Oh this is awesome I was just thinking of posting a thread like this. I to am looking for maps and visuals that my group can use. We never used them before and they were a big hit! Please info would be great.

Something you might be able to do is an image search (Yahoo, Google, etc.) for terms like "Star Wars Miniatures Map" … you'll probably not be able to actually use them with minis unless you cut and paste to scale, but how I just started trying to use them was to present them to the group and then allow them to dictate (according to normal rules) how they are interacting in the area:

"I'm going to jump behind those rocks there for some cover"

"I'll head around this building and try to flank them"

Things like that help the group (and the GM) to have some kind of perspective of what's happening and gives the players an opportunity to immerse themselves in the character a bit more.