Played that scenario solo yesterday, and it seemed like a very good scenario. In my play the german won, with some good margin, but the good margin was due to a few lucky (good) shots at the end. The real big thing in this scenario is being able to run first in the second round. Cuz the german took the 2 point command objective in the center of the board. In addition they played stolen supplies the round earlier. As a result the german had the initiative the entire game. Which made the difference.
However, the english could have done something different. They could have realized earlier that having two matildas on the hil of 13A was a realy powerful hex, and could have set them up there round one. Further, keeping command as the british is stupid do to the possibility of stolen supplies. Its better to spend them all on the initiative regardless. A bit of luck, the british can also take the 2 command point themself if they have a 'supprice action' card. I geuss that could completly turn the tide.
Furhter, the Matilda is a heavy tanks when the enemy has max 6 firepower uncombined
Has anybody else played this scenario?